Coaching That Counts

E-Book Overview

[ The Inner Edge ] idea of practical spirituality incorporates what I think of as fundamental human values. - His Holiness, The Dalai Lama "A clearly thought out, workable guideline for spirituality in business dealing with profound issues both on the individual level and at work. - Deepak Chopra "Many employees are now thinking differently about the work they do, their relation to it, and also to the organizations for which they work. This book provides a straightforward yet rich methodology for individuals to reconsider their activities and relationship to work in a powerful way."

E-Book Content

TeAM YYePG Digitally signed by TeAM YYePG DN: cn=TeAM YYePG, c=US, o=TeAM YYePG, ou=TeAM YYePG, [email protected] Reason: I attest to the accuracy and integrity of this document Date: 2005.02.14 03:27:51 +08'00' Praise for Coaching That Counts “Coaching That Counts is filled with compelling insights on leadership coaching and how to manage this powerful development process to deliver strategic value. A must read for anyone involved in coaching.” —Ken Blanchard, co-author of The One Minute Manager® and Customer Mania! “This book addresses the three key aspects of a successful executive coaching engagement: the art of coaching, the art of managing coaching initiatives and the art of evaluating coaching results. Coaching That Counts is a wellspring of inspiring insights and powerful tools for internal and external coaches around the world. —Giovanna D’Alessio, Chief Executive Coach of Life Coach Lab srl, Italy “In the three years since we conducted an ROI study on coaching, the benefits revealed by the study have proven to be strategic and sustainable.” —Cindy Dauss, Leadership Development, Nortel Networks, USA “Coaching That Counts belongs on