Industrial Fermentations

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I F E R N D M U E S N T T R A I T A I L O N S BY PAUL W. ALLEN, M.S., Ph.D. P r o f e s s o r of B a c t e r i o l o g y a n d H e a d of D e p a r t m e n t U n i v e r s i t y of T e n n e s s e e Formerly Associate in Bacteriology, University of Illinois; Bacteriologist of Washington Eaperiment Station; for some time Chief Chemist for Food Manufacturing Companies BOOK The CHEMICAL DEPARTMENT CATALOG COMPANY, 19 EAST 24th STREET, NEW YOBK, U.S.A. 1926 Inc. COPTEIOHT, 1928, BY The OHEMIOAL CATALOG COMPANY, Inc. All rights reaervod PnnUd in tht United StaUi of Amorica by J. J. LITTU AND IVXfl COMP1HY, XIW YOJUC Mr FATHER AND MOTHER Preface. The object of this book is to bring together in a general way some of our present information concerning the application of microorganisms to industry. In so far as possible the plan of arrangeme&t has been to place together as groups those pages having to do with closely allied products. In each chapter the different products have been discussed somewhat as to history and use of product, processes of manufacture, microbiology involved, and bibliography. There is no intention of treating any of these subjects exhaustively, These subjects are developing so rapidly and the fields are so large that it is out of the question to try to do more than to indicate some of the lines of their development in America. The omission of much important work is recognized. Mechanical steps having little to do with the microbiology involved are only briefly described. It is often necessary, however, to deal with processes- as
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