Recent Catholic Philosophy: The Twentieth Century

E-Book Overview

Alan Vincelette traces the thought of twenty one key Catholic philosophers of the Twentieth Century and their contributions to the philosophical movements in which their thought can most accurately be situated. These movements include Phenomenology, Neo-Thomism, Transcendental Thomism, Personalism, Existentialism, Analytical Philosophy, and Postmodernism; these figures include Stein, Von Hildebrand, Dussel, Gilson, Maritain, Wojtyla [Pope John Paul II], Rousselot, Rahner, Lonergan, Ebner, Mounier, Nedoncelle, Lavelle, Marcel, Zuburi, Anscombe, Taylor, Jacques, Marion, Lacoste, and Desmond. These and other Catholics have been at the forefront of philosophy in the Twentieth-Century, garnering acclaim in Catholic circles (Von Hildebrand, Gilson, Maritain, Rousselot, Lonergan, Mounier, Marcel, Marion), appreciation by their non-Catholic peers (Dussel, Rahner, Ebner, Anscombe, Taylor, Jacques), canonization (Stein) and the pontificate (Wojtyla), a position in the French Ministry of Education (Lavelle), the honor of giving the Gifford Lectures (Gilson, Marcel, Taylor), membership into the British, Canadian, or French Academies (Gilson, Lonergan, Anscombe, Taylor, Marion), professorships at the College de France (Gilson, Lavelle), the Sorbonne (Gilson, Lavelle, Jacques, Marion), and the Universities of Cambridge and Oxford (Anscombe, Taylor, Lacoste), and the bestowal of several major academic awards including the Aquinas Medal (Gilson, Maritain, Wojty a, Lonergan, Anscombe), the Erasmus Prize (Marcel), the Kyoto Prize (Taylor), and the 1.5 million dollar Templeton Prize (Taylor). Containing a valuable bibliography and rich notes, this collection is an excellent resource for the student of philosophy, theology, church history, history, and western culture in general.

E-Book Content

RECENT CATHOLIC PHILOSOPHY THE TWENTIETH CENTURY RECENT CATHOLIC PHILOSOPHY THE TWENTIETH CENTURY by Alan Vincelette marquette studies in philosophy No. 71 Andrew tallon, series editor Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Vincelette, Alan Roy.   Recent Catholic philosophy : the Twentieth Century / by Alan Vincelette.        p. cm. —  (Marquette studies in philosophy ; no. 71)   Includes bibliographical references and index.   ISBN-13: 978-0-87462-803-6 (pbk. : alk. paper)   ISBN-10: 0-87462-803-2 (pbk. : alk. paper) 1.  Christianity—Philosophy—History—20th century. 2.  Catholic Church and philosophy—History—20th century.  I. Title.   BR100.V56 2011190.9’04--dc22 2011008997 © 2011 Marquette University Press Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53201-3141 All rights reserved. The paper used in this publication meets the minimum requirements of the American National Standard for Information Sciences— Permanence of Paper for Printed Library Materials, ANSI Z39.48-1992. TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction.............................................................................................. 7 Chapter One: Phenomenology............................................................... 9 Stein....................................................................................................... 14 Von Hildebrand.................................................................................... 25 Dussel..................................................................................................... 39 Chapter Two: Neo-Thomism................................................................ 43 Gilson..................................................................................................... 45 Maritain................................................................................................. 56 Wojtyła [ John Paul II]......................................................................... 69 Chapter Three: Transcendental Thomism.....................................
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