Development Of Muslim Theology, Jurisprudence And Constitutional Theory. (semitic)

E-Book Overview

Originally published: New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1903. xii, 386 pp. One of the best general introductions to Islamic lawDespite its age this is still one of the best general introductions to Islamiclaw. It remains a standard work in scholarly bibliographies. Offeringboth a history and a critical analysis, this book is enriched by a 66-pageappendix containing complete translations of primary texts.** [C:\Users\Microsoft\Documents\Calibre Library]

E-Book Content

Semitic Series DEVELOPMENT OF MUSLIM THEOLOGY, JURISPRUDENCE AND CONSTITUTIONAL THEORY BY DUNCAN B. MACDONALD, M.A., B.D. SERIES OF HAND-BOOKS IN SEMITICS EDITED BY JAMES ALEXANDER CRAIG PROFESSOR OF SEMITIC LANGUAGES AND LITERATURES AND HELLENISTIC GREEK IN THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN research has stimulated an increasing inamong scholars, students, and the It has provided us with a serious reading public generally. picture of a hitherto unknown civilization, and a history of one of the great branches of the human family. Recent scientific terest in Semitic studies The object of the present Series is to state its results in Each work is complete in itself, and popularly scientific form. the Series, taken as a whole, neglects no phase of the general subject. Each contributor is a specialist in the subject as signed him, and has been chosen from the body of eminent Semitic scholars in Europe and in this country. This Series will be composed of the following volumes I. II. : HEBREWS. History and Government. By Professor J. F. McCurdy, University of Toronto, Canada. HEBREWS. Ethics and Religion. By Professor Archi bald Duff, Airedale College, Bradford, England. [Now Ready. The Social Life. By the Rev. Edward [Now Ready. Day, Springfield, Mass. IV. BABYLONIANS AND ASSYRIANS, with introductory chap ter on the Sumerians. History to the Fall of Baby lon. By Dr. Hugo Winckler, University of Berlin. [In Press. V. BABYLONIANS AND ASSYRIA NS. Religion. By Professor of A. J. Craig, University Michigan. VI. BABYLONIANS AND ASSYRIANS. Life and Customs. By Professor A. H. Sayce, University of Oxford, England. III. HEBREWS. [Now Ready. BABYLONIANS AND ASSYRIANS. Excavations and Ac count of Decipherment of Inscriptions. VIII. SYRIA AND PALESTINE. Early History. By Professor VII. Lewis Bayles Paton, Hartford Theological Seminary. IX. [Now Ready. DEVELOPMENT OF MUSLIM THEOLOGY, JURISPRUDENCE AND CONSTITUTIONAL THEORY. By Professor D. B. Macdonald, Hartford Theological Seminary. [Now Ready. The following volumes are to be included in the Series, and others may be added : History and Government^ including and Religion. XI. ARABIA, Discoveries in, and History and Religion X. PHOENICIA. Colonies, Trade, until Muhammad. XII. ARABIC LITERATURE AND SCIENCE SINCE MUHAMMAD. XIII. THE INFLUENCE OF SEMITIC ART AND MYTHOLOGY ON WESTERN NATIONS. Semitic Secies DEVELOPMENT OF Muslim Theology, Jurisprudence and Constitutional Theory BY DUNCAN B. MACDONALD, M.A., B.D. SOMETIME SCHOLAR AND FELLOW OF THE UNIVERSITY OF GLASGOW PROFESSOR OF SEMITIC LANGUAGES IN HARTFORD THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY ; NEW YORK CHARLES SCRIBNER S SONS 1903 \4\ COPYRIGHT, 1903, BY CHARLES SCRIBNER S SONS Published) March, 1903 8 6 9 4 7 TROW DIRECTORY PRINTING AND BOOKBINDING COMPANY NEW YORK MEMORLE MATRIS SACRVM PREFACE with very great diffidence that I send out this Of the lack and need of some text-book of the kind there can b
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