Business In The Cloud: What Every Business Needs To Know About Cloud Computing

E-Book Overview

A close look at cloud computing's transformational role in business

Covering cloud computing from what the business leader needs to know, this book describes how IT can nimbly ramp up revenue initiatives, positively impact business operations and costs, and how this allows business leaders to shed worry about technology so they can focus on their business. It also reveals the cloud's effect on corporate organization structures, the evolution of traditional IT in the global economy, potential benefits and risks of cloud models and most importantly, how the IT function is being rethought by companies today who are making room for the coming tidal wave that is cloud computing.

  • Why IT and business thinking must change to capture the full potential of cloud computing
  • Topics including emerging cloud solutions, data security, service reliability, the new role of IT and new business organization structures
  • Other titles by Hugos include: Business Agility: Sustainable Prosperity in a Relentlessly Competitive World and Essentials of Supply Chain Management, 2nd Edition

Practical and timely, this book reveals why it's worth every company's time and effort to exploit cloud computing's potential for their business's survival and success.

E-Book Content

Praise for Business in the Cloud: What Every Business Needs to Know About Cloud Computing In Business in the Cloud, Michael Hugos and Derek Hulitzky explain the many changes that cloud computing is bringing to technology, organizations, and industry ecosystems. Their book is a tutorial written in simple languageto help readers understandthe potential of the Business in the Cloud is highly cloud to transform every industry in the years ahead. recommended for anyone who wants to take advantage of the many opportunities being broughtbycloudcomputingtobusinessandsociety. IrvingWladawskyBerger ChairmanEmeritus,IBMAcademyofTechnology; StrategicAdvisor,Citigroup;VisitingProfessor,MIT; VisitingProfessor,ImperialCollege TheWeatherChannelismakingcloudcomputingacornerstoneinitsarchitecturetosupport Business in the Cloud isaconcise severeweathereventslikehurricanesandnor’easterblizzards. but informative insight into cloud computing, is a great tutorial to quickly educate yourself (without vendor biases) on the options and capabilities of cloud computing, and should be readbyallbusinessandITleadersresponsiblefortheirorganization’sinfrastructure.’’ DanAgronow ChiefTechnologyOfficer, TheWeatherChannelInteractive,Inc.(TWCi) Intoday’scomplexbusinessenvironment,flexibilityandefficiencyarethedifferencebetween Business in the Cloud isanexcellentresource thecompaniesthatflourishandthosethatperish. to help businessleaders think through the practicalimplications of how to best leverage the technicalinfrastructurerequiredtothriveinthetwentyfirstcentury. LarryBonfante ChiefInformationOfficer, UnitedStatesTennisAssociation; Founder,CIOBenchCoach,LLC Whenanewtechnologyplatformemerges,businessleadersneedtounderstanditsimplications fortheircompanies.MichaelHugosandDerekHulitzkyshiftthecloudcomputingconversation from speeds and feeds tobusiness opportunities andbenefits. If you leadanorganization that integrates business activities with technology and today, that means everyone this is a mustreadbook. BernardGolden ChiefExecutiveOfficer,HyperStratus Whetheryou’recurrentlyoperatinginthecloud,consideringmovingtothecloud,orjusttrying to understandthe meaning of cloud computing, Business in the Cloud explains the potential of thisnewmodelforsuccess.Acomprehensiveworkcoveringallfacetstoconsiderforthedelivery Business in the Cloud isamustread ofbusinesssolutions,opportunities,andcustomersatisfaction, forallbusinessexecutivestaskedwithleadingintoday’stechnologymandatedworld.’’ MichaelJ.Twohig ExecutiveVicePresidentandChiefAdministrationOfficer, CleanHarborsEnvironmentalServi
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