Biology Of Brain Tumour: Proceedings Of The Second International Symposium On Biology Of Brain Tumour (london, October 24–26, 1984)

E-Book Overview

This volume contains the proceedings of the Second International Symposium on Biology of Brain Tumour. The first Symposium was held in 1979 at Gardonne Riviera, Italy. This meeting was planned in order to coincide with the lOOth Anniversary of the first reported operation for glioma in London on November 25, 1884. Since the first meeting, the field of neuro-oncology has made remarkable progress in understanding both basic and clinical factors of significance to patients with brain tumor. While the earlier meeting dealt to a large extent with clinically oriented studies, this symposium was more heavily weighted toward the biology of brain tumour and improving our understanding at the physiologic, biochemical, pharmacologic, and cellular level. The meeting was divided according to scientific content into presentations and discussions as well as posters for more leisurely viewing, so as to allow the main themes of the meeting to sequentially develop. The first session dealt extensively with neuro-oncology at the molecular level and included considerable discus­ sion of material related to the babic biochemical milieu in which tumors originate, proliferate, and eventually destroy the brain. Classic neuropathology has been the mainstay of tumor identification and characteriza­ tion, however, the process of classification has become much more complex. The availability of a variety of new tools has allowed investigation into the validity of the more traditional classification systems as well as the development of newer biologically related concepts.

E-Book Information

  • Year: 1,986

  • Edition: 1

  • Pages: 515

  • Pages In File: 485

  • Language: English

  • Identifier: 978-1-4612-9415-3,978-1-4613-2297-9,0-89838-775-2

  • Doi: 10.1007/978-1-4613-2297-9

  • Org File Size: 50,176,379

  • Extension: pdf

  • Tags: Oncology Neurosurgery

  • Toc: Front Matter....Pages I-XI Front Matter....Pages 1-1 Molecular biology of cancer....Pages 3-6 Two-dimensional gel electrophoretic protein patterns in high-grade human astrocytomas....Pages 7-14 Biochemical studies of primary cultures from human astrocytomas: observations on cell growth and regulation of glutamine synthetase....Pages 15-25 Dibutyryl adenosine 3′:5′-cyclic monophosphate (db-cAMP) induced growth inhibition and morphologic changes in human medulloblastoma cell line TE671....Pages 27-34 Phenotypic modification of human glioma....Pages 35-41 Chromosomes and chromosomal progression of malignant human gliomas: theoretical and practical implications....Pages 43-49 Differential expression of neuron specific enolase and creatine phosphokinase-BB by human medulloblastoma and glioma tumors and neuroectodermal cell lines....Pages 51-59 Neovascularisation of intracranial tumours....Pages 61-66 Red blood cell polyamines in malignant glioma patients. Spermidine and spermine blood levels and tumour evolution....Pages 67-74 Front Matter....Pages 75-75 Pathological classification of tumours of the central nervous system....Pages 77-79 Modern neuropathological investigative techniques of brain tumours....Pages 81-84 Adenylate

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