Natural Proteinase Inhibitors

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NATURAL PROTEINASE INHIBITORS BY ROSMARIE VOGEL, IVAR TRAUTSCHOLD, EUGEN WERLE KLINISCH-CHEMISCHES INSTITUT AN DER CHIRURGISCHEN KLINIK DER UNIVERSITAT, MUNCHEN TRANSLATED B Y Express Translation Service London, England 1968 ACADEMIC PRESS New York and London COPYRIGHT © 1 9 6 8 , B Y ACADEMIC PRESS INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. NO PART OF THIS BOOK MAY B E REPRODUCED IN ANY FORM, BY PHOTOSTAT, MICROFILM, OR ANY OTHER MEANS, WITHOUT WRITTEN PERMISSION FROM T H E PUBLISHERS. A C A D E M I C PRESS INC. I l l Fifth Avenue, New York, New York 10003 United Kingdom Edition published by A C A D E M I C PRESS INC. (LONDON) Berkeley Square House, London W. 1 LTD. LIBRARY O F CONGRESS CATALOG CARD NUMBER: 68-14662 PRINTED IN T H E UNITED STATES O F AMERICA NATURAL PROTEINASE INHIBITORS THIS BOOK IS A TRANSLATION O F NATURLICHE PROTEINASEN-INHIBITOREN A MONOGRAPH IN BIOCHEMIE UND KLINIK SERIES. GEORG T H I E M E VERLAG, STUTTGART, 1 9 6 6 . Dedicated to Professor Doctor Ε. K. Frey in honor of his eightieth and Professor Doctor H. Kraut in honor of his seventy-fifth birthday birthday Preface to the English Edition Since publication of the German Edition of this volume, interest in this field of research has increased considerably. This is due, on the one hand, to the multifaceted problems concerning the structure of the inhibitors and, on the other, to the possibilities of their therapeutic application. Papers dealing with inhibitors published during the last 2 years, particularly those from American Laboratories, have b e e n included in this edition. Literature references up to the beginning of 1968 have b e e n included. It is hoped that the present publication will evoke further interest in this important but as yet little known field of research. R. Vogel I. Trautschold E . Werle Munich, August, Germany 1968 vii Preface to the German Edition Our theories on the role of the proteinases in physiological and pathological states in man and in animal organisms have b e e n both limited and extended in recent years. T h e b e l i e f that the proteolytic enzymes also catalyze the synthesis of proteins has now b e e n abandoned, as has b e e n the view that their function is confined to the cleavage of food proteins, the mobilization of tissue proteins to m e e t the requirements of the intermediate metabolism, and the degradation of proteins that occurs in physiological wear of the cells or after traumas of various kinds. Proteolytic processes have recently b e e n discovered that lead to the liberation of polypeptides that have a high pharmacological activity, the plasmakinins, which are important both physiologically and pathologically. Proteolytic processes also play a special part in the clotting of blood and in inflammation, as well as in immunological processes. In the light of this knowledge, the natural proteinase inhibitors of man and animal organisms have gained new theoretical and practical importance. Proteinase inhibitors are also widely distributed in the plant kingdom. T h e y have b e e n extensively studied, particularly with a view to therapeutic use. Several reviews on proteinase inhibitors have already b e e n published, e.g., by Laskowski (1954, 1955), by G r e e n and Neurath (1954), and by D e s n u e l l e (1960). New inhibitors have b e e n discovered and investigated since then, and we therefore felt that it ix Preface to the German Edition χ was desirable to present the latest knowledge in the inhibitor field, particularly since no German-language review of the subject had b e e n published before. Munich, Summer, Germany 1966 R. V O G E L I. T R A U T S C H O L D E. WERLE Introduction Na
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