Operational Analysis And Prediction Of Ocean Wind Waves

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Coastal and Estuarine Estuarine Studies Studies Managing Editors: Malcolm J. Bowman Richard Richard T. T.Barber Barber Christopher N. N.K. K. Mooers Mooers John JohnA. A.Raven Raven Coastal Coastal and Estuarine Estuarine Studies Studies and formerly Lecture Lecture Notes Notes on on Coastal Coastal and and Estuarine Estuarine Studies Studies formerly 33 33 M.L. M. L. Khandekar Analysis and and Operational Analysis Prediction of Ocean Wind Waves Springer-Verlag New New York Berlin Heidelberg London Paris Tokyo Hong Kong Managing Editors Malcolm J. Bowman Bowman Marine Sciences Research Center, State University of New ork New Y York USA Stony Brook, N.Y. 11794, USA Richard T. T.Barber Barber Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute Institute Pacific Grove, CA 93950, USA Christopher K. Mooers Christopher N. N.K. Mooers Institute for Naval Oceanography Oceanography institute Technology Laboratories National Space Tech nology Laboratories MS 39529, USA John John A. Raven Raven rsity Dept. of Biological Biological Sciences, Dundee Dundee Unive University DD1 4HN, 4HN, Scotland Dundee, 001 Contributing Editors USSR) .• Larry Atkinson (Savannah, USA) USA) Ain Aitsam (Tallinn, USSR) Robert C. C . Beardsley (Woods Hole, USA) . Tseng Cheng-Ken Cheng-Ken (Qingdao, PRC) PRC) Robert UK) .• Jon Jon B. B. Hinwood Hinwood (Melbourne, (Melbourne, AUS) AUS) Keith R. Dyer (Merseyside, UK) Hideo Kawai (Kyoto, Japan) Japan) Jorg Imberger (Western Australia, AUS) .• Hideo (Montreal, Canada) Canada) Paul H. Le Blond (Vancouver, Canada) • L. Mysak (Montreal, . Brook, USA) .•VVlliam William S. S. Reebourgh Reebourgh (Fairbanks, (Fairbanks, USA) USA) Akira Okuboi (Stony Brook, David A. A. Ross Ross (Woods (Woods Hole, Hole, USA) USA) .• John John H. H. Simpson Simpson (Gwynedd, (Gwynedd, UK) UK) David Absornsuda Siripong Siripong (Bangkok, (Bangkok, TThailand) Robert L. L. Smith Smith (Covallis, (Covallis, USA) USA) Absornsuda hailand) .• Robert Mathias Tomczak Tomczak (Sydney, (Sydney, AUS) AUS) .• Paul Paul Tyler Tyler (Swansea, (Swansea, UK) UK) Mathias Author Author M. M . LL.. Khandekar Khandekar Atmospheric Environment Service Service 4905 4 9 0 5 Dufferin Street Street Downsview, Ontario M3H M 3 H 534, Canada Canada ISBN 0-387-97150-5 Springer-Verlag New New York Berlin Heidelberg Heidelberg ISBN ISBN 3-540-97150-5 3-540-97150-5 Springer-Veriag Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg Heidelberg New New York ISBN This work subject to copyright. rights are are reserved, whether the material material This work is sub j ectto copyright. All rights whether the the whole whole or part of the c o n c e r n e d , specifically the of translation, reprinting, re-use re-use of illustrations, illustrations, recitation, recitation, is concerned, the rights of broadcasting, reproduction reproduction on microfilms microfilms or or in other other ways, and storage storage in in data data banks. Duplication Duplication broadcasting, of this publication or parts thereof is only only permitted permitted under under the the provisions provisions of the German G e r m a n Copyright Copyright of this publication thereof is L a w of S e p t e m b e r 9, 9, 1965, 1965, in its version of June June 24, 2 4 , 1985, and and a a copyright fee always be be Law of September version of fee must always Violations fall under under the prosecution prosecution act act of the G e r m a n Copyright Copyright Law. Law. paid. Violations the German C © Springer-Verlag Springer-Verlag New N e w York York,,. Inc., 1989 1989 Printed in Germany Germany Printing Printing and and binding: binding: Druckhaus Druckhaus Beltz, Beltz, Hemsbach/Bergstr. Hemsbach/Bergstr. 2 8 3 7 / 3 1 4 0 - 5 4 3 2 1 0 - Printed Printed on acid-free acid-free paper paper 2837/31
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