E-Book Overview
The following is a set of eight outlines intended to help a born again Christian better understand his salvation. Many Christians neglect to study the doctrines that define New Testament salvation and miss the rich blessings that understanding them brings. Salvation has many different aspects; no single term or principle can adequately define it. To show believers the extent of what they have in Christ, the Holy Spirit put no less than eight separate doctrines in the Bible to explain New Testament salvation. Each one describes it from a slightly different perspective. A good understanding of these doctrines is essential for a Christian to become mature in the faith and truly appreciate what God has done for him. Every Christian should be fully acquainted with the terms justification, sanctification, regeneration, etc., yet many have only a shallow knowledge of these doctrines if any knowledge of them at all. However, if the believer will study the scriptures as the Lord commands him to (2 Timothy 2:15), the Holy Spirit will reveal these truths to him (John 14:26). He will then have a greater confidence in the permanence of his salvation and also be better equipped to serve his Savior.
E-Book Content
More Than Forgiven! The Eight Major Doctrines of Salvation
Timothy S. Morton
Introduction Regeneration Adoption Justification Imputation Sanctification Reconciliation Propitiation Redemption Summary
INTRODUCTION The following is a set of eight outlines intended to help a born again Christian better understand his salvation. Many Christians neglect to study the doctrines that define New Testament salvation and miss the rich blessings that understanding them brings. Salvation has many different aspects; no single term or principle can adequately define it. To show believers the extent of what they have in Christ, the Holy Spirit put no less than eight separate doctrines in the Bible to explain New Testament salvation. Each one describes it from a slightly different perspective. A good understanding of these doctrines is essential for a Christian to become mature in the faith and truly appreciate what God has done for him. Every Christian should be fully acquainted with the terms justification, sanctification, regeneration, etc., yet many have only a shallow knowledge of these doctrines if any knowledge of them at all. However, if the believer will study the scriptures as the Lord commands him to (2Ti 2:15), the Holy Spirit will reveal these truths to him (Joh 14:26). He will then have a greater confidence in the permanence of his salvation and also be better equipped to serve his Savior. Furthermore, the primary reason God has given man the Bible was so he could learn doctrine (2Ti 3:16). God wants the sinner to learn that without Christ he is lost and headed for Hell, and He wants the Christian to learn what happened to him when he received Christ. Apart from the scriptures no one could know either. In several places in the Bible the Holy Spirit pleads with believers to not be ignorant of doctrine (Rom 11:25; 1Co 12:1; etc.), and the doctrines that are the most profitable for any believer to learn are these eight on salvation. Once they are mastered, the saint will be better prepared to understand some others that are more difficult. The reader is to study all the references given below in his
Bible. He is NOT to use these outlines by themselves as a substitute for this study. They are intended only to aid him in finding out what the Bible says about the subject of salvation. The Bible alone (KJV) should be the Christian's final authority for this matter (and every other matter), so a believer should never let any other reading material, Christian or otherwise, stand between him and his personal study of it. Personal study is the only way he can know for certain what the Bible says a