Geology And Engineering Geology Of The New York Metropolitan Area

E-Book Overview

About The Product

Published by the American Geophysical Union as part of the Field Trip Guidebooks Series. This field trip enables delegates attending the Twenty-eighth International Geological Congress to spend several days in the largest city in the United States. Local geologists have designed day-long field trips to acquaint participants with the complex geology of the New York city metropolitan region. The papers included in this book will serve as guides to the planned trips but may not necessarily follow the order in which the trips will be scheduled.


E-Book Content

Geology and Engineering Geology of the New York Metropolitan Area New York Metropolitan Region July 20-25, 1989 Field Trip Guidebook T361 Leader: Charles A. Baskerville, Editor Associate Leaders: Nicholas K. Coch, Sidney Horenstein, Martin Prinz, John H. PuHer, Geneva R. Roberts-Dolgin and Dennis Weiss American Geophysical Union, Washington, D.C. Copyright 1989 American Geophysical Union 2000 Florida Ave., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20009 ISBN: 0-87590-601-X Printed in the United States of America COVER PHOTOGRAPH A low altitude oblique view of a part of the New Yo'" Metropolitan area from over central Kings County (Brooklyn) looking a little north of west. The Island of Manhattan occupies the center of the scene with Governors Island just off its south end. Queens County is located in the south east corner of the photograph. The State of New Jersey occupies most of the remainder of the photograph. CREDnNASA Aircraft 10 E-1704-99CT FRAME NUMBER 109 Provided by the U.S. Geological Survey CONTENTS Page 1 INTRODUCTION C.A. Baskerville BUILDING STONES OF THE NEW YORK CITY AREA . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Sidney Horenstein Introduction ,.. 2 Excursion stops Part 1. Building stones 4 stop 1. Grand Central Terminal 4 stop 2~ 110 East 42 Street 6 stop 3. 51 East 42 Street 6 stop 4. 330 Madison Avenue 6 stop 5. The New York Public Library 7 stop 6. 530 Fifth Avenue 7 stop 7. Rockefeller Center 8 stop 7a. 30 Rockefeller Center 8 stop 7b. The Associated Press Building 8 stop 7c. British Building 9 stop 8. Sakis Fifth Avenue 10 stop 9. st. Patrick's Cathedral 10 stop 10. Villard Houses 10 stop 11. 477 Madison Avenue ll stop 12. 666 Fifth Avenue 11 Part 2. Stone Processing 12 stop 13. The Miller-Druck Company 12 Part 3. Original stone Samples for Grand Central Terminal . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 stop 14. Van Cortlandt Park 12 Part 4. Stone Quarry 13 stop 15. The DiRienzo stone Quarry 13 References cited 14 Suggested Readings 14 ENVIRONMENTAL GEOLOGY AND GEOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT OF THE LOWER HUDSON ESTUARY AND NEW YORK HARBOR 15 N.K. Coch and Dennis Weiss Introduction 15 Drill core stratigraphy 16 Sea level curve 16 Foraminiferal zonation 17 Post-glacial geologic history 18 Environmental geology of New York harbor 20 Stations to be occupied 20 Station 1. The Statue of Liberty 20 station 2. Entrance to the East River 21 Station 3. Entrance to the Gowanus Canal 22 station 4. Central part of the Upper New York Bay 22 Conclus ion 23 References cited 23 GEOLOGY OF NORTHEASTERN NEW JERSEY 26 J.H. Puffer Introduction 26 Geologic setting of northeastern New Jersey, Proterozoic rocks of the New Jersey Highlands 26 Granites 26 Hornblende granites and alaskite (Byrum Intrusive Suite) 26 Pyroxene granite and pyroxene seyenite 27 Quartz-oligoclase gneiss 27 Amphibol i te 28 v contents Paqe Marbl e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Other Proterozoic rocks 29 Paleozoic rocks of northeastern New Jersey 29 Hardyston Form
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