Animal Cell Technology: Challenges For The 21st Century: Proceedings Of The Joint International Meeting Of The Japanese Association For Animal Cell Technology (jaact) And The European Society For Animal Cell Technology (esact) 1998, Kyoto, Japan

E-Book Overview

Animal cell technology is a growing discipline of cell biology which aims not only to understand structures, functions and behaviors of differentiated animal cells but also to ascertain their abilities to be used in industrial and medical purposes. The goal of animal cell technology includes accomplishments of clonal expansion of differentiated cells with useful ability, optimization of their culture conditions, modulation of their ability to produce medically and pharmaceutically, important proteins, and the application of animal cells to gene therapy and artificial organs. This volume gives the readers a complete review of present state of the art in Japan. The Proceedings will be useful for cell biologists, biochemists, molecular biologists, immunologists, biochemical engineers and other disciplines related to animal cell culture, working in either academic environments or in biotechnology and pharmaceutical industries.

E-Book Content

ANIMAL CELL TECHNOLOGY: CHALLENGES FOR THE 21ST CENTURY JAACT/ESACT’98 Organizing Committee Meeting Chairman: R. Sasaki (Japan) Meeting Secretaries: K. Ikura (Japan) M. Nagao (Japan) S . Masuda (Japan) Organizing Boards: T. Amachi (Japan) M. Carrondo (Portugal) A. Ametani (Japan) S . Dosako (Japan) K. Aramaki (Japan) A. Enomoto (Japan) T. Fujimori (Japan) Y. Fuke (Japan) T. Furudera (Japan) T. Fushiki (Japan) B. Griffiths (UK) S. Hashizume (Japan) H. Hoshi (Japan) S. Iijima (Japan) K. Ikura (Japan) K. Inouye (Japan) K. Issiki (Japan) Y. Ikeda (Japan) Y. Ito (Japan) K. Kawamura (Japan) C. MacDonald (UK) R. Matsuno (Japan) S. Kaminogawa (Japan) Y. Kitagawa (Japan) S . Masuda (Japan) O. Merten (France) T. Kawada (Japan) J. Lehmann (Germany) T. Matsuda (Japan) K. Nagai (Japan) K. Nagaike (Japan) R. Sasaki (Japan) M. Nagao (Japan) T. Sato (Japan) H . Ohigashi (Japan) H . Sawada (Japan) K. Shin (Japan) K. Shinohara (Japan) S. Shirahata (Japan) Y. Shirai (Japan) M. Tanokura (Japan) K. Yagasaki (Japan) T. Suzuki (Japan) K. Ueda (Japan) M. Yoshikawa (Japan) E. Suzuki (Japan) J. Wérenne (Belgium) Animal Cell Technology: Challenges for the 21st Century Proceedings of the joint international meeting of the Japanese Association for Animal Cell Technology (JAACT) and the European Society for Animal Cell Technology (ESACT) 1998, Kyoto, Japan edited by Kouji Ikura Masaya Nagao Seiji Masuda and Ryuzo Sasaki KLUWER ACADEMIC PUBLISHERS New York, Boston, Dordrecht, London, Moscow eBook ISBN: Print ISBN: 0-306-46869-7 0-792-35805-8 ©2002 Kluwer Academic Publishers New York, Boston, Dordrecht, London, Moscow All rights reserved No part of this eBook may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, recording, or otherwise, without written consent from the Publisher Created in the United States of America Visit Kluwer Online at: and Kluwer's eBookstore at: Contents Preface xiii I. Asian Biotechnology in Future The role of Hong Kong SAR in the development of biotechnology industry in China A. Y. Chang 1 II.Cell Culture and Engineering Increase in intracellular calcium influx enhances monoclonal antibody productivity S.-H. Park, J.-S. Park, M.-H. Nam 5 Energy metabolism and antibody production based on flux analysis in hybridoma T. Omasa, T. Iemara, K, Furuichi, Y. Katakura, M. Kishimoto, K. Suga 11 Transient transfection i
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