Remote Sensing Of Large Wildfires: In The European Mediterranean Basin

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Remote Sensing of Large Wildfires in the European Mediterranean Basin Springer Berlin Heidelberg New York Barcelona HongKong London Milan Paris Singapore Tokyo Emilio Chuvieco (Ed.) Remote Sensing of Large Wildfires in the European Mediterranean Basin With 45 Figures, 16 Color Plates and 33 Tables Springer Prof. Dr. Emilio Chuvieco University of A1cahi Department of Geography Colegios, 2 28801 Alcala de Henares Spain E~mail: [email protected] ISBN- 13: 978-3-642-64284-5 DOl: 10.10071978-3-642-60164-4 e-ISBN-I 3: 918-3-642-60164-4 library of Congress Cualoging-in- Publi,,,tion Data Remote sensing ofJarge wildfires in the European Mediterranean Basin I Emilio Chuvieco (ed), Includes bibliographical references. I. Forest fires-Mediterranean Region-Prevention and cOnlrnl. 2. Wildfires-Mediterranean Region-Prevention and control. ). Remote sensing. 4. Geographic information system. I. Chuvieco Salinero, Emilio. SD'PI.32.M44R46 6)4.9' 618' olS-·deli 1999 99-15'14) elP This work is $ubjeClto copyright. All rights are reserved, whether the wh(lleor pan of the material is concerned, spedtkally the righu of translation, reprinting, re-use (If illustrations, recitation, broadcasting, reproduction on mic rofilm or in other ways, and storage in data banks. Duplication of this publication or parts thereof is permitted only under the provisions ofthe German COpyright Law of September 9, 1965, in its current version, and pe rmission for use must always be obtained from Springer- Verlag. Violations are liable for prosecution act under German Copyright Law. C Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 1999 Softcover reprint of the hardcover 1st edilioo 1999 The useofgeneraldesc riptive names, registered names. trademarks, etc. in this publication does not imply, even in the absence of a specific statement, that such names are exempt from the relevant protective Jaws and regulations and therefore free for general use. ProduCiion: ProduServ GmbH Verlagsservice, Be rlin Typesetting: Camera-ready hy editor COver design: Erich Ki rchner, Springer Heidelberg SPIN: 10686078 3U307.0-S 4 3 1. I 0 - Printed on add -free paper Foreword Forest fIres are considered a major environmental problem in many European Union Member States as well as in other parts of the world. According to a recent report of the European Commission, forest fues are a dominant feature of the landscapes of the fIve Southern European Member States - Portugal, Spain, France, Italy and Greece, and almost a half of the Community's forests have been classed as fue-risk areas. Protection from forest fues is an interdisciplinary endeavour, which needs to be addressed from both the technological and methodological point of view, and which necessitates a wide spectrum of various scientifIc disciplines. It also implies the solution of numerous practical problems (both of a generic nature and of a specifIc one) and the consideration of the characteristics of the specifIc areas in which fue fIghting is carried out. ScientifIc research is offering a major contribution to forest fIre fIghting. The European Commission (DG XII, Directorate General for Science, Research and Development) has supported since the 1980s a number of multinational research projects through its successive RTD programmes in the fIeld of the Environment. Findings from these integrated and multidisciplinary projects have increased our understanding of the causes and socio-economic aspects of fue, of the natural role of fues in the maintenance and restoration of ecosystems, and of fue behaviour modelling. Emphasis was also given to the development and validation of fue behavio