Fundamental Aspects Of Appropriate Technology: Proceedings Of The International Workshop On Appropriate Technology Center For Appropriate Technology Delft University Of Technology September 4—7, 1979

E-Book Overview

Between 4-7 September 1979, an international workshop on Appropriate Technology (AT) was organized in Delft, Netherlands, by the Center for Appropriate Technology of the Delft University of Technology. Representatives of 24 AT organisations from allover the world held discussions on the role of AT as a factor in development. There were two main objectives of the workshop - to enlarge the understanding of, and knowledge about the processes and conditions essential for the introduction of AT in regional deve­ lopment programs. This was formally referred to as 'the implementation of the results of AT research'. -secondly, an evaluation of the theories and models which have been applied for the establishment of these regional development programs. This was formally referred to as 'an inventory of AT concepts.' The workshop discussions focussed essentially on three issue areas: technology and development, organisational framework, and education and research. A summary of the conclusions and recommendatjons made by the workshop can be found in Chapter One of this report of the proceedings. All participants were invited, prior to the workshop, to outline their ideas on the subjects listed above, in position papers. Condensed versions of these papers are presented in Chapter Three.

E-Book Content

Fundamental Aspects of Appropriate Technology Fundamental Aspects of Appropriate Technology Proceedings of the International Workshop on Appropriate Technology Center for Appropriate Technology Delft University of Technology September 4 - 7, 1979 J. de Schutter/G. Bemer/ editors Delft University Press Sijthoff & Noordhoff International Publishers 1980 Published by Delft University Press Mijnbouwplein 11 2628 RT Delft The Netherlands and Sijthoff & Noordhoff International Publishers P.O. Box 4 2400 MA Alphen aan den Rijn The Netherlands Cover by Jan van Wessum, Amsterdam © 1980 by Delft University Press, Delft, The Netherlands No part of this book may be reproduced in any form, by print, photoprint, microfilm or any other means without written permission from Delft University Press, Mijnbouwplein 11, 2628 RT Delft, The Netherlands. ISBN-13: 978-90-286-0640-1 e-ISBN-13: 978-94-009-9139-2 DOl: 10.1007/978-94-009-9139-2 Contents VII 1. Conclusions and Recommendations II. Participant Contributions 1 Session 1: Topics in Appropriate Technology Projects THE GAVIOTAS PROGRAM 9 J. Zapp CZauser AN ANALYSIS OF FACTORS AFFECTING THE SUCCESFUL CONTINUITY OF A SOLAR DESTILLATION PLANT IN THE WEST INDIES 14 T. Lawand A NEW APPROACH TOWARDS RURAL DEVELOPMENT : APPROPRIATE TECHNOLOGY AND THE EARTHQUAKE OF 1976 IN GUATEMALA 24 R. Caceres DIAN DESSA 35 A. Soedjarwo URBAN AGRICULTURE AS AN APPROPRIATE TECHNOLOGY 39 T. Fox Session 2: Organization of Appropriate Technology Activities CONCEPTS AND MODELS FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF APPROPRIATE TECHNOLOGY FOR RURAL AREAS 55 M.M. Hoda V APPROPRIATE TECHNOLOGY IN SRI LANKA 77 C.A. Gunawardhana A UNIVERSITY PERSPECTIVE ON APPROPRIATE TECHNOLOGY 94 R.P. Morgan A COMPANY FOR RURAL DEVELOPMENT IN INDIA 101 K.K. Prasad EDUCATIONAL, SCIENTIFIC & TECHNOLOGICAL INSTITUTIONS IN 123 DEVELOPING COUNTRIES K.S. Jagadish, R. Prasad, A.K.N. Reddy Session 3: The Framework for Appropriate Technology. The Role of Appropriate Technology in (Rural) Development APPROPRIATE TECHNOLOGY THEORY, POLICY AND PRACTICE 145 M. Carr TECHNICAL CHANGE, EMPLOYMENT AND DISTRIBUTION IN L.D.C.'s 154 S. Jacobsson OPTIMIZING THE APPROPRIATENESS OF TEC
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