The Medical Student’s Guide To The Plain Chest Film

E-Book Overview

This book is designed to provide the medical student a simple yet systemized approach to interpreting the plain chest radiograph. The book teaches the normal anatomy as well as a systematic approach that can (and should) be used to evaluate every chest film. Full-color volume-rendered computed tomography (CT) images are used to help the student understand the anatomy.

E-Book Content

The Medical Student's Guide to the Plain Chest Film Edwin F. Donnelly, M.D., Ph.D. Copyright © 2006 Carchedon Publishing All rights reserved. No part of this publication can be reproduced or distributed without the written permission of either the publisher or the author. ISBN 1-4116-9538-0 Published by Carchedon Publishing. Distributed through Lulu Press. Electronic Proof Not For Distribution Table of Contents Introduction i Quick Flow Chart iii I Normal Anatomy 1 II Approach to the Film 21 III Life Support Devices 34 IV Physiology of the Chest 59 V Parenchymal Patterns 70 VI Nodules and Masses VII Don’t-Miss Lesions 86 97 Introduction i Introduction T here are no great textbooks out there for medical students (and, for that matter, interns) who want to learn the basics of chest film interpretation. Most chest radiologists balk at the thought of trying to teach such a huge topic to a group that cannot devote a significant amount of time to this one area. Of course, not everyone can do a residency in Radiology and a fellowship in Thoracic Radiology. The reality, though, is that as medical students and interns you will be caring for a great number of patients on whom you will be ordering these studies. While most films will ultimately be in
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