Radiation Therapy. A Medical Dictionary, Bibliography, And Annotated Research Guide To Internet References

E-Book Overview

Radioactivity - Radionuclides - Radiation provides professionals and students with a comprehensive background in the three Rs of nuclear science. It is suitable for students in the related fields of nuclear and radiochemistry, nuclear medicine, health physics, environmental sciences, nuclear and astrophysics. The book covers recent developments in the areas of exotic decay modes (bound beta decay of 'bare' or fully ionized nuclei), laser transmutation, nuclear forensics, radiation hormesis and the LNT hypothesis, and alpha-immunotherapy. Atomic mass data for over 3000 nuclides from the most recent (2003) evaluation are included. The book includes a CD-ROM containing the Universal Nuclide Chart - an interactive, platform independent JAVA-program for displaying basic nuclear data, decay processes and neutron reactions.

E-Book Content

ADIATION HERAPY A M EDICAL D ICTIONARY , B IBLIOGRAPHY , AND A NNOTATED R ESEARCH G UIDE TO I NTERNET R EFERENCES J AMES N. P ARKER , M.D. AND P HILIP M. P ARKER , P H .D., E DITORS ii ICON Health Publications ICON Group International, Inc. 4370 La Jolla Village Drive, 4th Floor San Diego, CA 92122 USA Copyright Ó2004 by ICON Group International, Inc. Copyright Ó2004 by ICON Group International, Inc. All rights reserved. This book is protected by copyright. No part of it may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without written permission from the publisher. Printed in the United States of America. Last digit indicates print number: 10 9 8 7 6 4 5 3 2 1 Publisher, Health Care: Philip Parker, Ph.D. Editor(s): James Parker, M.D., Philip Parker, Ph.D. Publisher's note: The ideas, procedures, and suggestions contained in this book are not intended for the diagnosis or treatment of a health proble
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