Warrior Workout Bonus Series I

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WARRIOR WORKOUT BONUS SERIES THE UNDERGROUND GUIDE TO WARRIOR FITNESS Created By Ross Enamait Founder of WarriorForce.com & Rossboxing.com ANOTHER GREAT EXERCISE One exercise not included in The Underground Guide To Warrior Fitness is the Glute-Ham Raise. This is one of the best hamstring exercises available. Glute-Ham Raise – There are machines that facilitate this movement but have no fear, you can perform this exercise at home. You will need to secure your feet for this exercise. In the illustration, I have used an old chair that has two 45-pound plates (not visible) weighing it down. If you have access to a Roman chair, you can perform this exercise by facing backwards. You can also have a partner secure your legs or put a sandbag on the chair for weight. Instructions: Start the movement lying flat on the floor with the legs straight. Pull yourself up with flexed hips, hamstrings, and glutes. You will definitely feel this one burning through your legs. Do not use your arms to thrust off the floor. This is a leg movement. Pull with the legs as much as possible. PYRAMID WORKOUTS Pyramid workouts are a great way to increase the number of repetitions that you can perform on a particular exercise. These workouts will allow you to achieve many more reps per workout than a traditional “train to failure” program. The pyramid workouts involve climbing up AND down a pyramid. For example, in Power Pyramid 1, you will work through three separate exercises (Pull-ups, V-Ups, Pushups). You will begin with 1 Pull-up, 2 V-Ups, and 3 Pushups. This is your first step in the pyramid. You should work through 10 steps. For each step (1-10), you will multiply Pull-ups x 1, V-Ups x 2, and Pushups x 3. When you reach Step 10, you will work your way back down the pyramid (10, 9, 8, … 1). Try to work through these pyramids without resting between exercises. These workouts are
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