How To Succeed As A Scientist : From Postdoc To Professor

E-Book Content

GABRYS: How to Succeed as a Scientist COVER C M Y BLK Packed with helpful features encouraging readers to apply the theory to their individual situation, the book is also illustrated throughout with real-world case studies that enable readers to learn from the experiences of others. It is a vital handbook for all those wanting to pursue a successful academic career in the sciences. How to Succeed as a Scientist • Discusses the tools needed to become an independent researcher, from writing papers and grant applications, to applying for jobs and research fellowships. • Introduces skills required as an academic, including managing and interacting with others, designing a taught course and giving a good lecture. • Concludes with a section on managing your career, explaining how to handle stress, approach new challenges and understand the higher education system. GABRYS AND LANGDALE This unique, practical guide for postdoctoral researchers and senior graduate students explains, stage by stage, how to gain the necessary research tools and working skills to build a career in academia and beyond. The book is based on a series of successful training workshops run by the authors, and is enriched by their extensive interdisciplinary experience as working scientists. How to Succeed as a Scientist From Postdoc to Professor Cover illustration: © Alexander Raths/ Cover design by Zoe Naylor. BARBARA J. GABRYS and JANE A. LANGDALE HOW TO SUCCEED AS A SCIENTIST From Postdoc to Professor This unique, practical guide for postdoctoral researchers and senior graduate students explains, stage by stage, how to gain the necessary research tools and working skills to build a career in academia and beyond. The book is based on a series of successful training workshops run by the authors, and is enriched by their extensive interdisciplinary experience as working scientists. * * * Discusses the tools needed to become an independent researcher, from writing papers and grant applications, to applying for jobs and research fellowships. Introduces skills required as an academic, including managing and interacting with others, designing a taught course and giving a good lecture. Concludes with a section on managing your career, explaining how to handle stress, approach new challenges and understand the higher education system. Packed with helpful features encouraging readers to apply the theory to their individual situation, the book is also illustrated throughout with real-world case studies that enable readers to learn from the experiences of others. It is a vital handbook for all those wanting to pursue a successful academic career in the sciences. barbara gabrys is an experimental physicist with expertise in the structure and dynamics of soft matter. She has substantial experience in exploring different science disciplines through research, teaching and learning activities. Dr Gabrys was appointed Academic Advisor for the Mathematical, Physical and Life Sciences Division at the University of Oxford in 2007. She is a Fellow of the Institute of Physics and a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy. jane langdale is a plant biologist with over 25 years’ research experience in both UK and US universities. Her main research focuses on understanding the genetic basis of plant developmental processes and elucidating how those processes evolved. Professor Langdale was appointed as a University academic in 1994 and most recently has been Head of the Department of Plant Sciences at the University of Oxford. She was elected a member of the European Molecular Biology Organization (EMBO) in 2007. HOW TO SUCCEED AS A SCIENTIST From Postdoc to Professor BARBARA J. GABRYS Department of Materials, University of Oxford and JANE A. LANG
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