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PHARMACOTHERAPY CONTENTS Preface Steven J. Martin and Joseph F. Dasta Vasopressin in Hypotensive and Shock States Jean-Louis Vincent xi 187 Clinical reports and experimental studies support the beneficial effects of low-dose vasopressin infusions in vasodilatory shock. Before we can recommend vasopressin for routine clinical use in vasodilatory shock, and particularly septic shock, we must await the results of currently ongoing and recently completed randomized clinical trials to ensure that vasopressin does indeed have beneficial effects on organ function and outcome. Contemporary Issues in the Pharmacologic Management of Acute Heart Failure Tien M.H. Ng, Amardeep K. Singh, Joseph F. Dasta, David Feldman, and Alexandre Mebazaa 199 Acute heart failure is an evolving syndrome that continues to be defined by ongoing studies and registries. It is associated with significant morbidity and mortality and places a huge economic burden on health care systems. Improved understanding of the underlying pathophysiologic processes has prompted interest into understanding the implications of current and future pharmacologic management strategies beyond hemodynamics. Diuretics, vasodilators, and inotropes remain the mainstays of therapy with several new classes of agents on the horizon. Clinicians should understand the rationale for use and limitations of each therapy to maximize benefit and cost-effectiveness, while minimizing the potential for adverse outcomes. VOLUME 22 • NUMBER 2 • APRIL 2006 v Effect of Vasoactive Therapy on Cerebral Circulation Denise H. Rhoney and Xi Liu-DeRyke 221 Many questions regarding blood pressure management after acute stroke remain unanswered, resulting in an ongoing debate about whether to treat hypertension acutely and how aggressively blood pressure should be lowered. This review discusses normal and altered cerebrophysiology and provides evidence supporting and opposing the active management of blood pressure within the first 24 hours after stroke. Commonly used intravenous antihypertensive agents and their cerebrovascular effects are reviewed, and therapeutic recommendations are given based on the available evidence. Corticosteroid Replacement in Critically Ill Patients Judith Jacobi 245 This review addresses the use of corticosteroid replacement in critically ill patients. Low-dose corticosteroid replacement for critically ill patients with septic shock has been shown to reduce the duration of vasopressor-dependent shock, to shorten ICU length of stay, and, in recent trials, to reduce mortality. Numerous questions remain to be fully answered about patient selection, corticotropin-stimulation testing methods, and interpretation of results. Pharmacokinetic Changes in Critical Illness Bradley A. Boucher, G. Christopher Wood, and Joseph M. Swanson 255 Physiologic alterations in critically ill patients can significantly affect the pharmacokinetics of drugs used in the critically ill patient population. Understanding these pharmacokinetic changes is essential relative to optimizing drug therapy. This article outlines the major differences seen in the absorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretion of drugs in critically ill patients. Important strategies for drug therapy dosing and monitoring in these patients are also addressed. Principles and Practices of Medication Safety in the ICU Sandra Kane-Gill and Robert J. Weber 273 Medication errors are a significant public health problem in United States hospitals. Patients in the ICU are at particular risk for medication errors because of the characteristics of an ICU and the nature of its patients. This article reviews the principles of medication safety and applies these principles to the I
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