A Treatise On Chemistry

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A T E E A T I S E O N C H E M I S T R Y . BV E E . EOSCO1 F.E.S. AND C. SCHOELBMMEE F.R.& t&OTOSOM OS CBIKUrtRI IB VICIOBIA UKREBBVY t , TSE OWENS COtAEOE, KAHCBIEtSB. VOLUME I. THE NON-METALLIC ELEMENTS, •' Chymitt, alias AlcJiemia, el Spagirica, est ars corpora vet mixia, vet eom aggregate eltm in primipia sua nsolmidi, aid at prindpiis in (alia combinandi."~&t*BL, 1728. WITH IU0STBMIOHS, AHD K POSTBAIT OF DALTON EN08AV8D BT C. R. JBEH?, NEW EDITION. M A O M I L L A N A N D CO, 1881. t The Right of Trmwlatim and Reproduction «» Rmrvcd.] P R E F A C E . I T has been the aim of the authors, in writing t h e present treatise, t o place before the reader a fairly complete, and y e t a clear and succinct, statement of t h e facts of Modern Chemistry, whilst at the same tiir>». entering so far into a discussion of Chemical Theory as the size of the work and the present transition state of the science permit. Speckl attention has been paid to the accurate description of the more important processes in technical chemistry, and to the careful representation of the most approved forms of apparatus employed. As an instance of this, the authors may refer to the chapter on the Manufacture of Sulphuric Acid. For valuable information on these points they are indebted to many friends both in this country and on the Continent. The volume commences with a short historical sketch of t h e rise and progress of chemical science, and a few words relative to the history of each element and its more important compounds prefaces the systematic discussion of their chemical properties. For this portion of their work, t h e authors wish here to acknowledge their indebtedness to Hermann Kopp's classical works on the History of Chemistry. v«i PREFACE. I n the part of the volume devoted to the description of the non-metallic elements, care has been taken to select the mo3t recent and exact experimental data, and to give references in all important instances, as it is mainly by consulting the original memoirs that a student can obtain a full grasp of his subject Much attention has likewise been given to the representation of apparatus adapted for lecture-room experiment, and the numerous new illustrations required for this purpose have all been taken from photographs of apparatus actually in use, The fine portrait which adorns the title-page is a copy,' by the skilful hands of Mr. Jeens, of a daguerreotype taken shortly before Dalton's death. MANCHESTER July, 1ST?. CONTENTS. MOB HISTORICAL IHTBODUOTION' GENKBAL P a r a o i r u s 3 O F T H E SOIBKCE . Laws o f Chemical Combination . Gases a n d V a p o u r s . . . . ' . . . . . . . 41 , 69 . , 74 The Continuity of Iiqtiid a n d Gaseous States W i e Kinetic T h e o r y o f Gasea . . . 78 . . . . . 80 Diffusion of G a s e s 84 Chemical N o m e n c l a t u r e THE NON-JLBTALMO . . , . , , , . . 8 E I E M B N T S 7 96 Hydrogen 96 Chlorine 110 Chlorine a n d H y d r o g e n 124 Bromine 142 Bromine and H y d r o g e n 148 Chlorine a n d B r o m i n o 151 Iodine 151 Iodine and H y d r o g e n Iodine and Chlorine 158 . . . . 168 Fluorine 186 Fluorine and H y d r o g e n
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