E-Book Overview
Socrates G. Thermodynamics and statistical mechanics (London, Butterworths, 1971)(ISBN 040870179X)
E-Book Content
Thermodynamics and Statistical
Mechanics G. SOCRATES, M.Sc., Ph.D., M.lnst.P.
BruneI University, London
THE BUTTERWORTH GROUP Butterworth & Co (Publishers) Ltd London: 88 Kingsway WC2B 6AB
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First published 1971 © Butterworth & Co (Publishers) Ltd, 1971
ISBN 0 408 70179 X Standard 0 408 70193 5 Limp
Filmset by Photoprint Plates Ltd, Rayleigh, Essex Printed by photo-lithography and made in Great Britain at the Pitman Press, Bath
The object of this text is to provide the reader with a comprehensive introduction to the basic concepts of thermodynamics and statistical. mechanics. It is intended for science and engineering under gradu ates. The emphasis throughout is on simplicity and clarity, the order of presentation and the explanations given being those which have been found most successful with students and acceptable to them. It is often found that ideas are presented to students which are not wholly true. This may either be in order to gloss over certain diffi culties or possibly from a lack of understanding. Despite the sim plicity of approach of the present text, the truth has not been overlooked. SI units have be�n used, and for the convenience