Biology Of The Spotted Seatrout (marine Biology)

E-Book Overview

The spotted seatrout is an important species not only for recreational and commercial fisheries, but also as an integral part of many estuarine ecosystems. As one of the few fishes that live its entire life within an estuarine system, the species has tremendous potential as a monitor or sentinel for estuarine conditions. Prepared by the foremost authorities in their respective fields, Biology of the Spotted Seatrout presents an up-to-date summary of what is known about the basic biology of this important species. This innovative reference provides current life history information on this species for the expressed purpose of beginning the task of assessing differences in estuarine restricted sub-populations of spotted seatrout. It serves as a model of a biological summary directed toward determining which of the life history parameters will most aptly serve as bioindicators to meet overall environmental management needs. It integrates estuarine specific life history features into the overall management of both estuaries and an estuarine dependent fishery. Biology of the Spotted Seatrout includes a classic systematic approach to studying the relationships between seatrout genera as well as a more modern approach to investigating intra- and inter-estuarine differences in genetic structure. Ecologists, fisheries biologists and managers, and environmental scientists worldwide will be able to use the information presented in this book as a model on which to establish a database of information to be used to assess and compare estuarine conditions and environmental health. This valuable book serves as a blueprint for bringing together the biological criteria necessary to begin landscape scale comparisons of estuaries based on the biological information of totally estuarine dependent species, such as the spotted seatrout.

E-Book Content

BIOLOGY OF THE SPOTTED SEATROUT © 2003 by CRC Press LLC Marine Science Series The CRC Marine Science Series is dedicated to providing state-of-theart coverage of important topics in marine biology, marine chemistry, marine geology, and physical oceanography. The series includes volumes that focus on the synthesis of recent advances in marine science. CRC MARINE SCIENCE SERIES SERIES EDITOR Michael J. Kennish, Ph.D. PUBLISHED TITLES Artificial Reef Evaluation with Application to Natural Marine Habitats, William Seaman, Jr. Chemical Oceanography, Second Edition, Frank J. Millero Coastal Ecosystem Processes, Daniel M. Alongi Ecology of Estuaries: Anthropogenic Effects, Michael J. Kennish Ecology of Marine Bivalves: An Ecosystem Approach, Richard F. Dame Ecology of Marine Invertebrate Larvae, Larry McEdward Ecology of Seashores, George A. Knox Environmental Oceanography, Second Edition, Tom Beer Estuary Restoration and Maintenance: The National Estuary Program, Michael J. Kennish Eutrophication Processes in Coastal Systems: Origin and Succession of Plankton Blooms and Effects on Secondary Production in Gulf Coast Estuaries, Robert J. Livingston Handbook of Marine Mineral Deposits, David S. Cronan Handbook for Restoring Tidal Wetlands, Joy B. Zedler Intertidal Deposits: River Mouths, Tidal Flats, and Coastal Lagoons, Doeke Eisma Morphodynamics of Inner Continental Shelves, L. Donelson Wright Ocean Pollution: Effects on Living Resources and Humans, Carl J. Sindermann Physical Oceanographic Processes of the Great Barrier Reef, Eric Wolanski The Physiology of Fishes, Second Edition, David H. Evans Pollution Impacts on Marine Biotic Communities, Michael J. Kennish Practical Handbook of Estuarine and Marine Pollution, Michael J. Kennish Practical Handbook of Marine Science, Third Edition, Michael J. Kennish Seagrasses: Monitoring, Ecology, Physiology, and Management, Stephen A. Bortone © 2003 by CRC Press LLC BIOLOGY OF THE SPOTTED SEATROUT Edited by
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