The Marvelous Land Of Oz

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by L. Fra,i\k Baura :o Hi / NY PUBLIC LIBRARY 3 3333 THE BRANCH LIBRARIE! 08102 0006 THE FACES LOOKED UPON THE ASTONISHED BAND WITH MOCKING SMILES./. 137. Being an account of the- \f arecrow c TinWoodman said and also tKe~ stranqe ex- periences of the-, ffig'bly Magnified Voqqle-Dug Jack Pumpkin, head, Ihe. Animated it r "I beg your Majesty's pardon," returned the Pumpkinhead; "but I do not understand you." J 73 His Majesty the Scarecrow "What don't you understand?' asked the Scare- crow. I "Why, came see, I that I "Ah, don't understand your language. You from the Country of the Gillikins, so am a foreigner." to be sure!' exclaimed the Scarecrow. "I myself speak the language of the Munchkins, which is also the language of the Emerald City. But you, I suppose, speak the language of the Pumpkinheads ? ' " Exactly bowing; "so so, it your Majesty," replied the other, will be impossible for us to under- stand one another." "That is unfortunate, certainly," said the Scare- crow, thoughtfully. "We must have an interpreter." "What is an interpreter?' asked Jack. "A person who understands both my language and your own. When ter can tell you what I I say anything, the interpre- mean; and when you say can tell me what you mean. anything the interpreter For the interpreter can speak both languages well as understand them." "That as certainly clever," said Jack, greatly pleased at finding so simple a way out of the diffiis culty. So the Scarecrow commanded the Soldier with the Green Whiskers to search among his people 74 His Majesty the Scarecrow until he found one who understood the language of the Gillikins as well as the language of the Emerald to him at once. City, and to bring that person When the Soldier had departed the Scarecrow said: "Won't you take a chair while we are waiting?' "Your Majesty forgets that I cannot understand "If you wish me to sit down you must make a sign for me to do so." The Scarecrow came down from his throne and rolled an armchair to a position behind the PumpThen he gave Jack a sudden push that kinhead. you," replied the Pumpkinhead. him sprawling upon the cushions in so awkward a fashion that he doubled up like a jackknife, and had hard work to untangle himself. "Did you understand that sign?' asked His sent Majesty, politely. his arms "Perfectly," declared Jack, reaching up to turn his head to the front, the pumpkin having around upon the stick that supported it. "You seem hastily made," remarked the Scare- twisted crow, watching Jack's efforts to straighten himself. "Not more so than your Majesty," was the frank "There is this difference between us," said the Scarecrow, "that whereas I will bend, but not break, you will break, but not bend." 75 " 76 HE GAVE JACK A SUDDEN PUSH." His Majesty the Scarecrow At moment this the soldier returned leading a young girl by the hand. She seemed very sweet and modest, having a pretty face and beautiful green eyes and hair. A dainty green silk skirt reached to stockings embroidered with pea-pods, and green satin slippers with bunches of lettuce for decorations instead of bows or buckles.
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