Transformational Teaching In The Information Age: Making Why And How We Teach Relevant To Students

E-Book Overview

How can teachers meet the challenges of engaging and educating all students, from those who are gadget-toting and plugged-in to those who are language learners or economically distressed and everyone in between? How can you help students learn what they need to know when the world and all that s in it is changing rapidly? Standards and high-stakes testing haven t answered the call, but you can. Transformational Teaching in the Information Age explores the power of placing students at the center of teaching and learning. The shift from simply teaching content to focusing on and teaching individual learners allows teachers to inspire students to be independent, imaginative, and responsible learners for life. These teachers are transforming education, lives, and opportunities for their students. A transformational approach to teaching results in a high-quality education for today s learners. Citing theory, research, practice, and their own experiences in teaching K 18 students, Tom Rosebrough and Ralph Leverett build a convincing case for the primacy of student teacher relationships in productive classrooms. Knowing students well is critical to teaching to their needs.Education cannot be just an effort to cover content, pass standardized tests, and achieve adequate yearly progress. To serve the next generation well, it must be about helping each student develop the knowledge, skills, and attitudes to live a uniquely satisfying life in the face of myriad changes.

E-Book Content

dents, from those who are gadget-toting and plugged-in to those who are language learners or economically distressed and everyone in between? How can you help students learn what they need to know when the world and all that’s in it is changing rapidly? Standards and high-stakes testing haven’t answered the call, but you can. Transformational Teaching in the Information Age explores the power of placing students at the center of teaching and learning. The shift from simply teaching content to focusing on and teaching individual learners allows teachers to inspire students to be independent, imaginative, and responsible learners for life. These teachers are transforming education, lives, and opportunities for their students. A transformational approach to teaching results in a high-quality education for learners who have an intrinsic need for and expectation of immediate gratification. Citing theory, practice, and their own experiences in teaching K–18 students, Tom Rose- transformational TEACHING I N T H E I N FO R M AT I O N AG E brough and Ralph Leverett build a convincing case for the primacy of student–teacher relationships in productive classrooms. Knowing students well is critical to teaching to their needs. achieve adequate yearly progress. To serve the next generation well, it must be about helping each student develop the knowledge, skills, and attitudes to live a uniquely satisfying life in the face of myriad changes. Thomas R. Rosebrough is executive dean of the College of Education and Human Studies at Union University and professor of education. He has taught elementary students through doctoral student candidates in public and private schools. Ralph G. Leverett is program director for the masters’ of education program at Union University and professor of special education. He has taught students at all levels in public and private schools, and he is a speech-language pathologist. ROSEBROUGH | LEVERETT Education cannot be just an effort to cover content, pass standardized tests, and M A K I N G W H Y A N D THOMAS R. ROSEBROUGH | RALPH G. LEVERETT How can teachers meet the challenges of engaging and educating all stu- Transformational Teaching Education H OW W E T E AC H R E L E VA N T TO ST U D E N TS $24.95 U.S. ®<
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