Labor In The Capitalist World-economy (political Economy Of The World-system Annuals)

E-Book Overview

Since the second world war, the World System approach to modern world history has failed to come to terms with the meaning of the struggles of organized working people in the capitalist world economy. The essays in this volume take important steps toward the goal of placing labour at the centre of world system analysis in order to emphasize the great importance of labour movements. The contributors examine the evolving relationship between labour, capital, and the state and look at the implications of these changes in the world economy for class organized labour.

E-Book Content

PO LITI CAL E CONOMY OF THE WOR LD-SYSTEM ANNUALS Series Editor: IMMANUEL WALLERSTEIN Published in cooperation with the Section on the Political Economy of the World-System of the American Sociological Association About the Series The intent of this series of annuals is to reflect and inform the intense theoretical and empirical debates about the "political economy of the world-system." These debates assume that the phenomena of the real world cannot be separated into three (or more) categories-political, LABOR in the Capitalist World-Economy economic, and social-which can be studied by different methods and in closed spheres. The economy is "institutionally" rooted; the polity is the expression of socioeconomic forces; and "societal" structures are a consequence of politico-economic pressures. The phrase "world-system" also tells us that we believe there is a working social system larger than any state whose operations are themselves a focus of social analysis. Edited by Charles Bergquist How states and parties, firms and classes, status groups and social institutions operate within the framework and constraints of the world­ system is precisely what is debated. These theme-focused annuals will be the outlet for original theoretical and empirical findings of social scientists coming from all the traditional "disciplines." The series will draw upon papers presented at meetings and conferences, as well as papers from those who share in these concerns. Volumes in this series: Volume 1: Social Change in the Capitalist World Economy (1978) Volume 7, Political Economy of the World-System Annuals Series Editor: Immanuel Wallerstein Barbara Hockey Kaplan, Editor Volume 2: The World-System of Capitalism: Past and Present (1979) Walter L. Goldfrank, Editor Volume 3: Processes of the World-System (1980) Terence K. Hopkins and Immanuel Wallerstein, Editors Volume 4: Dynamics of World Development (1981) Richard Rubinson, Editor Volume 5: Ascent and Decline in the World-System (1982) Edward Friedman, Editor Volume 6: Crises in the World-System (1983) Albert Bergesen, Editor Volume 7: Labor in the Capitalist World-Economy (1984) Charles Bergquist, Editor � � SAGE PUBLICATIONS Beverly Hills London New Delhi CONTENTS Placing Labor at the Center: Introduction Copyright © CHARLES BERGQUIST 1984 by Sage Publications, Inc. 7 PART 1: THEORETICAL APPROACHES TO THE STUDY All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or utilized in an y form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by an y information storage and retrieyal system, without permission in writing from the publisher. OF LABOR IN THE WORLD-SYSTEM 1. MICHAEL BURAWOY 2. For information address: 3. SAGE Publications, Inc. Beverly Hills, California 90212 C-236 Defence Colony New Delhi 110 024, India The Exploitation of Labor in the Appropriation of Nature: Toward an Energy Theory of Value STEPHEN G. BUNKER 275 South
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