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Singularity By: David Sereda Copyright 2006, David Sereda 1 Table of Contents Introduction Chapter One, The Fall from Grace & The Atomic Code - Does the Atom Hold the Code of the “Fall from Grace.” Chapter Two, The Speed of Light Limit "Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one." Albert Einstein Chapter Three, De-Codeing The Speed of Light Limit "The only real valuable thing is intuition." Albert Einstein Chapter Four, The Big Bang Problem "We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them." Albert Einstein Chapter Five, Singularity, The Revelation “Imagination is more important than knowledge" Albert Einstein Chapter Six, Time "I never think of the future. It comes soon enough." Albert Einstein Chapter 7, Consciousness and The Universal Zen Koan Chapter Eight, Dis-Ease, Death & Eternal Life What Will You Choose? Life's Tragedy is that we get old to soon and wise too late. Benjamin Franklin Chapter Nine, Heaven 2 Introduction As I was planting my 1 millionth, 222 thousandth tree, in the forests of British Columbia, I had the feeling of awe come over me. Why am I repairing a forest that is destroyed when it will be destroyed again? I guess someone will walk on hardwood floors and sit down in a wooden chair at a wooden table in a wooden house some day. It is those damned choices we have to make. Kicking ourselves out of paradise all on our own accord each day when we make those damn choices, choices? And then one day in the future, someone else will plant a tree right here. The wind and the rain kept me moving fast so I could stay warm. I had been doing this for 20 years at this point and hardly had a dime to my name. But I was looking to have a meeting with the sacred “Tree of Life” that is said to be hiding in God’s Secret Garden. This is how I was going to meet God, by planting trees. That is where this all started, because of God’s trees. Adam and Eve were banished from the proverbial Garden of Eden for partaking of the forbidden fruit of the “Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil.” This is the poisonous duality that would cause them to fall from Grace, but also be the root cause of all War, Disease, Death, and worst of all, the cause of all human limitation. I could prove this in quantum physics modeling. In the Nag Hammadi Library, Apocryphon of John, after the proverbial “Fall from Grace,” it is written that humanity was “…they took him and threw him into the lowest region of all matter.” It didn’t say, the lowest region of the universe, but of matter itself. There is a code on matter that must be broken before humankind can become free. It was right there inside the atom all this time, a code that caused the three most devastating limitations, I call the “Three Great Inertias.” In this book we will examine the three major forms of inertia that human beings experience: good and evil would be the root cause of three major forms of inertia: 1. The Psychological Inertia that results in conflict, Violence and War, 2. The Inertia of Movement, that we would be trapped in the fabric of space-time and not be able to move faster than the speed of light (Einstein’s Law). 3. The Cellular Inertia that causes aging, disease and death. All of these three forms of inertia were prophesy in the Bible book of Genesis when God warned Adam and Eve not to partake of the knowledge of good and evil. 3 But when we get to understand the root cause of all inertia, only then will we be able to perceive the great “Singularity,” our greatest potential liberation. With Singularity, firstly, we can End all Violence and War, if we can all agree to collectively perceive it and use it as a transformational tool. Secondly, we could attain instantaneous movement of information, communications and actual space travel anywhere in the universe, in zero time. This would be the greatest ac
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