Gmat: Sentence Correction

E-Book Content

A Treasure Trove of Tools and Techniques to Help You Conquer “GMAT Verbal” This eBook presents Chapter 2: Sentence Correction, as excerpted from the parent eBook Chili Hot GMAT: Verbal Review. Maven Publishing © 2011 by Brandon Royal All rights reserved. No part of this work may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical↜—↜including photocopying, recording or any information storage and retrieval system↜—↜without permission in writing from the author or publisher. Published by: Maven Publishing 4520 Manilla Road, Calgary, Alberta, Canada╇ T2G 4B7 Correspondence Address in Asia: GPO Box 440 Central, Hong Kong ISBN 978-1-897393-93-2 eDoc This eDoc contains Chapter 2: Sentence Correction, as excerpted from the parent eDoc Chili Hot GMAT: Verbal Review. Technical Credits: Cover design: George Foster, Fairfield, Iowa, USA Editing: Victory Crayne, Laguna Woods, California, USA GMAT® is a registered trademark of the Graduate Management Admission Council, which neither sponsors nor endorses this product. CONTENTS Topical Checklist 7 Chapter 1: 9 The GMAT Exam What’s on the GMAT Exam? w How is the GMAT Scored? w How does the CAT Work? w Exam Tactics w Attitude and Mental Outlook w Time frame for GMAT Study Chapter 2: Sentence Correction 15 Overview Official Exam Instructions for Sentence Correction w Strategies and Approaches Review of Sentence Correction Overview w The 100-Question Quiz on Grammar, Diction, and Idioms w Review of Grammatical Terms w Diction Review w List of 200 Grammatical Idioms w Style Review w Answers to The 100-Question Quiz of Grammar, Diction, and Idioms Multiple-Choice Problems Subject-Verb Agreement w Pronoun Usage w Modification w Parallelism w Comparisons w Verb Tenses w Answers and Explanations Chapter 3: Critical Reasoning 93 Overview Official Exam Instructions for Critical Reasoning w Strategies and Approaches Review of Critical Reasoning Defining Terms w The ABCs of Argument Structure w Evaluating Arguments w The “Big Six” Assumption Categories Multiple-Choice Problems Comparison and Analogy Assumptions w Cause-and-Effect Assumptions w Representativeness Assumptions w Implementation Assumptions w Number-based Assumptions w Logic-based Assumptions w Bolded-Statement Problems w Answers and Explanations Chapter 4: Reading Comprehension Overview Official Exam Instructions for Reading Comprehension w Strategies and Approaches 151 Review of Reading Comprehension Passage Type w Passage Content w Passage Structure w Passage Question Types w Common Wrong Answer Choices w The Relationship Between Passage Question Types and Common Wrong Answer Choices Multiple-Choice Problems Sample Passage w Social Science Passage w Science Passage w Answers and Explanations Chapter 5: Analytical Writing 181 Overview Official Exam Instructions for the Analytical Writing Assessment w Strategies and Approaches Review of Analytical Writing Frequently Asked Questions w The 4-Step Approach for Writing an Argument Essay w The 4-Step Approach for Writing an Issue Essay w Special Writing Techniques for Use with Issue Essays Essay Topics Two Argument Essays w Four Issue Essays w Outlines and Proposed Solutions Appendix I – GMAT and MBA Website Information 217 Registering for the GMAT Exam w MBA Fairs & Forums w International GMAT TestPreparation Organizations w National & Regional GMAT Test-Preparation Organizations w Other GMAT & MBA Websites Appendix II – Contact Information for the World’s Leading Business Schools 225 U.S. Business Schools w Canadian Business Schools w European Business Schools w Australian Business Schools w Asi