Differential Geometry And Relativity

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"Differential Geometry" Notes Homepage 1 of 1 file:///C:/TEMP/DG%20-%20Notes.htm Differential Geometry (and Relativity) - Summer 2000 Classnotes Copies of the classnotes are on the internet in PDF, Postscript and DVI forms as given below. In order to view the DVI files, you will need a copy of LaTeX and you will need to download the images separately. Click here for a list of the images. Chapter 1: Introduction. PDF. PS. DVI. Section 1-1: Curves. PDF. PS. DVI. Section 1-2: Gauss Curvature. PDF. PS. DVI. Section 1-3: Surfaces in E3. PDF. PS. DVI. Section 1-4: First Fundamental Form. PDF. PS. DVI. Section 1-5: Second Fundamental Form. PDF. PS. DVI. Section 1-6: The Gauss Curvature in Detail. PDF. PS. DVI. Section 1-7: Geodesics. PDF. PS. DVI. Section 1-8: The Curvature Tensor and the Theorema Egregium. PDF. PS. DVI. Section 1-9: Manifolds. PDF. PS. DVI. Chapter 2: Special Relativity: The Geometry of Flat Spacetime. PDF. PS. DVI. Section 2-1: Inertial Frames of Reference. PDF. PS. DVI. Section 2-2: The Michelson Morley Experiment. PDF. PS. DVI. Section 2-3: The Postulates of Relativity. PDF. PS. DVI. Section 2-4: Relativity of Simltaneity. PDF. PS. DVI. Section 2-5: Coordinates. PDF. PS. DVI. Section 2-6: Invariance of the Interval. PDF. PS. DVI. Section 2-7: The Lorentz Transformation. PDF. PS. DVI. Section 2-8: Spacetime Diagrams. PDF. PS. DVI. Section 2-9: Lorentz Geometry. PDF. PS. DVI. Section 2-10: The Twin Paradox. PDF. PS. DVI. Section 2-11: Temporal order and Causality. PDF. PS. DVI. Chapter 3: General Relativity: The Geometry of Curved Spacetime. PDF. PS. DVI. Section 3-1: The Principle of Equivalence. PDF. PS. DVI. Section 3-2: Gravity as Spacetime Curvature. PDF. PS. DVI. Section 3-3: The Consequences of Einstein's Theory. PDF. PS. DVI. Section 3-6: Geodesics. PDF. PS. DVI. Section 3-7: The Field Equations. PDF. PS. DVI. Section 3-8: The Schwarzschild Solution.
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