The Origins Of Islamic Jurisprudence: Meccan Fiqh Before The Classical Schools

E-Book Overview

The current view among Western scholars of Islam concerning the early development of Islamic jurisprudence was shaped by Joseph Schacht's famous study on the subject published 50 years ago. Since then new sources became available which make a critical review of his theories possible and desirable. This volume uses one of these sources to reconstruct the development of jurisprudence at Mecca, virtually unknown until now, from the beginnings until the middle of the second Islamic century. New methods of analysis are developed and tested in order to date the material contained in the earliest compilations of legal traditions more properly. As a result the origins of Islamic jurisprudence can be dated much earlier than claimed by Schacht and his school.

E-Book Content

ecurrentvi lslamconce LIIlic juriSpl lacht's fam l ,led futy ye cameavail~ ;;;5:L6. ISLAMIC HISTORY AND CIVILIZATION his theorie ,lumeuses ruct the de tecca, virtu le beginnil ,lamiccent STUDIES AND TEXTS THE ORIGINS OF ISLAMIC JURISPRUDENCE Meccan Fiqh bifOre the Classical Schools 94 EDITED BY BY evelopeda WADADKADI HARALD MOTZKI nuchearli ;chool. HaraldM Studies, L IslamicSt haspubli and legal 41 158705 ialcontain egal traditi lfiginsofl ISL VOLUME 41 translated [rom the German by MARION H. KATZ Herecen mad: The BRILL LEIDEN· BOSTON' KOLN 2002 This book is printed on acid-free paper. This book was originally published as Harald Motzki, Die Arifdnge der islamischen Jurisprudenz. Ihre Entwicklung in Mekka bis zur Mitte des 2. /8. Jahrhunderts. Abhandlungen fur die Kunde des Morgenlandes, herausgegeben von der Deutschen MorgenHmdischen Gesellschaft, Bd. L,2), Stuttgart 1991: Kommissionsverlag Franz Steiner. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Motzki, Harald. [Anfange der iSlamischenJurisprudenz. English] The origins of Islamic jurisprudence: Meccan fiqh before the classical schools / by Harald Motzki ; translated from the German by Marion H. Katz. p. cm. -- (Islamic history and civilization. Studies and texts, ISSN 0929-2403; v. 41) Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 9004121315 (alk. paper) 1. Islam law-History: 2.Jurisprudence-Arab countries-History. 3. Islamic law--Study and teaching-Arab countries-History. I. Title. II. Islamic history and civilization. Studies and texts ; \~ 41 LAW 2001035473 Die Deutsche Bibliothek - ClP-Einheitsaufitahtne Motzki, Harald: The origins of Islamic jurisprudence: J\1eccan fiqh before the classical schools / by Harald Motzki. Trans!. from the German by Marion H. Katz. _ Leiden ; Boston; Koln : Brill, 2002 (Islamic histOlY and civilization; Vol. 41) ISBN 90-04--12131-5 ISSN 0929-2403 ISBN 9004121315 © Copyright 2002 by Koninklijke Brill.Nv, Lewen, The Netherlands All rights reserved. No part qf this publication mqy be reproduced, translated, stored in a retrieval [JIstem, or transmitted in an)'form or fry a'9' means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or othenvise, without prinr wlitten permission from the publisher. Authorization to photocopy items for internal or personal use is granted 1y Brill provided that the appropriate foes are paid directly w The Copyright Clearance Center, 222 Rosewood Drive, Suite 910 Danvers.MA 01923, USA. Fees are subject to change. PRINTED IN THE NETHERLANDS CONTENTS Preface to the English Edition ................................................ .. Introduction ............................................................................... . I. The Beginnings of Islamic Jurisprudence in the Research of the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries .. .. A. Early Research .........
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