The Biology Of Caves And Other Subterranean Habitats (biology Of Habitats)

E-Book Overview

Caves and other subterranean habitats with their often strange (even bizarre) inhabitants have long been objects of fascination, curiosity, and debate. The question of how such organisms have evolved, and the relative roles of natural selection and genetic drift, has engaged subterranean biologists for decades. Indeed, these studies continue to inform the more general question of adaptation and evolution. However, interest in subterranean biology is not limited to questions of evolutionary biology. Both the distribution and the apparent ancient age of many subterranean species continue to be of significant interest to biogeographers. Subterranean ecosystems generally exhibit little or no primary productivity and, as "extreme" ecosystems, provide general insights into ecosystem function. Furthermore, the simplicity of subterranean communities relative to most surface-dwelling communities makes them useful model systems for the study of species interactions such as competition and predation, as well as more general principles of ecosystem function. The rarity of many cave species makes them of special interest in conservation biology. The Biology of Caves and other Subterranean Habitats offers a concise but comprehensive introduction to cave ecology. While there is an emphasis on the organisms that dominate this unique environment, conservation and management aspects are also considered. The book includes a global range of examples and case studies from both caves and non-cave subterranean habitats; it also provides a clear explanation of specialized terms used by speleologists. This accessible text will appeal to researchers new to the field and to the many professional ecologists and conservation practitioners requiring a concise but authoritative overview. Its engaging style will also make it suitable for senior undergraduate and graduate students taking courses in cave and subterranean biology. Each of the books in the Oxford Biology of Habitats Series introduces a different habitat, and gives an integrated overview of the design, physiology, ecology, and behaviour of the organisms found there. The practical aspects of working within each habitat, the sorts of studies that are possible, and habitat biodiversity and conservation status are all explored.

E-Book Content

The Biology of Caves and Other Subterranean Habitats THE BIOLOGY OF HABITATS SERIES This attractive series of concise, affordable texts provides an integrated overview of the design, physiology, and ecology of the biota in a given habitat, set in the context of the physical environment. Each book describes practical aspects of working within the habitat, detailing the sorts of studies which are possible. Management and conservation issues are also included. The series is intended for naturalists, students studying biological or environmental science, those beginning independent research, and professional biologists embarking on research in a new habitat. The Biology of Rocky Shores Colin Little and J. A. Kitching The Biology of Polar Habitats G. E. Fogg The Biology of Lakes and Ponds Christer Brönmark and Lars-Anders Hansson The Biology of Streams and Rivers Paul S. Giller and Björn Malmqvist The Biology of Mangroves Peter J. Hogarth The Biology of Soft Shores and Estuaries Colin Little The Biology of the Deep Ocean Peter Herring The Biology of Lakes and Ponds, 2nd Edition Christer Brönmark and Lars-Anders Hansson The Biology of Soil Richard D. Bardgett The Biology of Freshwater Wetlands Arnold G. van der Valk The Biology of Peatlands Håkan Rydin and John K. Jeglum The Biology of Mangroves and Seagrasses, 2nd Edition Peter J. Hogarth The Biology of African Savannahs Bryan Shorrocks The Biology of Polar Regions, 2nd Edition David N. Thomas et al. The Biology of Deserts David Ward The Biology of Caves and Other Subterranean Habitats David C. Culver and Tanja
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