A History Of Icelandic Literature (histories Of Scandinavian Literature)

E-Book Overview

"A History of Icelandic Literature" provides a complete overview of the literature of Iceland, from the country's settlement in the ninth century until the present day, including chapters on lesser-known areas such as drama, children's literature, women's literature, and North American Icelandic literature. It is the first work to give non-Icelandic readers a wide-ranging introduction to Iceland's literature and each contributor to this volume is a recognized expert in his or her area.

Despite its peripheral geographical position and small population, Iceland produced some of the most remarkable literary treasures of the Middle Ages, particularly sagas and Eddic poetry. These medieval works have inspired poets and writers across the centuries, who in turn have inspired the Icelandic people during the country’s long history of hardships and up to its more affluent present. This volume extends knowledge of Icelandic literature outside the country and encourages its inclusion in comparative studies of literatures across national and linguistic boundaries.

E-Book Content

A History of Icelandic Literature Histories of Scandinavian Literature Sven H. Rossel, General Editor volume 5 A History of Icelandic Literature Edited by Daisy Neijmann Published by the University of Nebraska Press, Lincoln & London, in cooperation with The AmericanScandinavian Foundation Publication of this book was assisted by grants from the National Endowment for the Humanities, the National Endowment for the Arts, and from the Fund for the Promotion of Icelandic Literature. ∫ 2006 by the Board of Regents of the University of Nebraska All rights reserved Manufactured in the United States of America ! Library of Congress Cataloging-inPublication Data A history of Icelandic literature / edited by Daisy Neijmann. p. cm. — (Histories of Scandinavian literature ; v. 5) Includes bibliographical references and index. isbn-13: 978-0-8032-3346-1 (cloth : alk. paper) isbn-10: 0-8032-3346-9 (cloth : alk. paper) 1. Icelandic literature— History and criticism. I. Neijmann, Daisy L., 1963– II. American-Scandinavian Foundation. pt7154.h57 2006 839%.6909—dc22 2006021625 Contents Acknowledgments /vii Introduction /ix Maps /xiii ∞. The Middle Ages /1 Vésteinn Ólason and Sverrir Tómasson Old Icelandic Poetry (Ólason) /1 Old Icelandic Prose (Tómasson) /64 ≤. From Reformation to Enlightenment /174 Margrét Eggertsdóttir ≥. From Romanticism to Realism /251 ªórir Óskarsson ∂. From Realism to Neoromanticism /308 Gu®ni Elísson ∑. Realism and Revolt: Between the World Wars /357 Jón Yngvi Jóhannsson ∏. Icelandic Prose Literature, 1940–2000 /404 Ástrá®ur Eysteinsson and Úlfhildur Dagsdóttir Icelandic Prose Literature, 1940–1980 (Eysteinsson) /404 Icelandic Prose Literature, 1980–2000 (Eysteinsson and Dagsdóttir) /438 π. Icelandic Poetry since 1940 /471 Eysteinn ªorvaldsson ∫. Searching for Herself: Female Experience and Female Tradition in Icelandic Literature /503 Helga Kress Ω. Icelandic Theater /552 Árni Ibsen and Hávar Sigurjónsson Icelandic Theater, 1790–1975 (Ibsen) /552 Icelandic Theater since 1975 (Sigurjónsson) /571 ∞≠. Icelandic Children’s Literature, 1780–2000 /586 Silja A®alsteinsdóttir ∞∞. Icelandic Canadian Literature /608 Daisy Neijmann Bibliography /643 Contributors /699 Index /703 Contents vi Acknowledgments This project has been realized against all odds. It was started a long time ago and then abandoned for many years, until Helga Kress from the University of Iceland made me aware of it and suggested that I explore the possibility of taking it on. I am very grateful to her for her suggestion and her encouragement. I am also very grateful to the Fund for the Promotion of Icelan
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