Fire Safety and Concrete Structures
Ir. J.F. Denoël
This publication is available at : FEBELCEM ‐ Federation of Belgian Cement Industry Rue Volta 8 B‐1050 Brussels phone : 00 32 2 645 52 11 fax : 00 32 2 640 06 70 email address :
[email protected] web address : The document can be downloaded from This publication exists in French, Dutch and English version. The Federation of the Belgian Cement Industry, FEBELCEM, is grateful for the financial contribution from the European Concrete Platform, ECP to the English translation of the publication.
Cover picture : source CIMBETON Responsible editor: Jean‐Pierre Jacobs, FEBELCEM Author : Jean‐François Denoël, Structure engineer ‐ Buildings, FEBELCEM Printed by : De Bouwkroniek No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system without prior written permission of FEBELCEM. FEBELCEM, the author and the translators, the reviewers that produced this report have endeavoured to ensure the accuracy of its contents. However, the guidance and recommendations given should always be reviewed by those using the report in the light of the facts of their particular case and any specialist advice. No liability for negligence or otherwise in relation to this report and its contents is accepted by the author, FEBELCEM, their servants or agents. © FEBELCEM, 2007 ISBN 2‐9600430‐3‐0 ISBN 978‐2‐9600430‐3‐7 (new nomenclature) EAN 9782960043037 D/2007/280/01
Fire Safety and Concrete Structures Choice of concrete, regulations, fire resistance, fire risk, “Fire Safety Engineering” and repair of concrete after fire
With many thanks to, -
Professors A. Brüls, J.C. Dotreppe, J.M. Franssen and J.B. Schleich of Liège University,
Professors L. Taerwe and P. Vandevelde of Ghent University,
Messrs G. Baes and E. Briers of ANPI,
Dr P. Chana (BCA),
Mrs F. Robert (CERIB),
Mr S. Horvath (CIMBETON),
Mr A. Van Acker (FEBE),
Mr T. Hietanen (Finnish Association of Construction Product Industries),
Mr P. Spehl (SECO) and
Mr U. Neck (VDZ).
Jean‐François Denoël
Preamble The dramatic Innovation fire in Brussels in 1967 revealed the absolute necessity for regulations in the field of fire resistance and a better knowledge of the behaviour of materials and structures in fire. It was followed by unprecedented work in these areas. It was and is being carried out to meet the preoccupation of any building user or designer: optimum fire safety. More recently, fires have occurred in mountain tunnels, then under the Channel and in New York on 11 September 2001. Fires also occurred even more recently in Madrid and at Mons on our Belgian motorway network. All resulted in greater vigilance and led to people considering the various components of fires and asking questions about the behaviour of structures in fire. This publication is aimed at construction professionals, be they project designers, architects or research offices, authors of specifications, building contractors, insurers or public authorities. The document: -
introduces the basic concepts used to discuss fire and fire safety;
describes the notion of fire risk;
demystifies terms such as active protection and “Fire Safety Engineering”;
puts the regulations into context;