Tantric Sex

E-Book Overview

Кто из нас не мечтает о полном наслаждении во время занятий любовью? Но как часто бывает, что мысли о невозможности расслабиться, или о страхе показаться не слишком умелыми любовниками, не позволяют испытать истинную радость от слияния с любимым человеком. Во время тантрического sекса человек отказывается от привычного понимания поlового акта, избавляясь от лишь физического наслаждения, а сосредотачивается на максимальной активизации эмоциональных центров. Для этих целей и существует тантрический sекс. Embark on a Tantric journey toward ultimate cexual pleasure . . .Revolutionize your cex life with Tantric secrets that will bring you to the farthest reaches of physical and spiritual fulfilment.Connect with your partner, tap into your bodys innate energy, revel in orgasмs that are a total body experience and discover new ways to enjoy amazing physical pleasure through touch, scent and harmonious breathing.Tantric expert Kavida Rei shows how to explore, experience, and experiment with the sheer, unadulterated pleasure of Tantra. Providing a holistic approach that teaches whole-body harmony, learn how simple meditations and exercises can take you into the realms of heaven-on-earth сex lovemaking on another dimension and intimacy that you never knew could be so fulfilling.

E-Book Content

kavida rei the path to sexual bliss the path to sexual bliss kavida rei London, New York, Melbourne, Munich, and Delhi Editor: Nichole Morford Senior Art Editor: Helen Spencer Project Art Editor: Natasha Montgomery Executive Managing Editor: Adèle Hayward Managing Art Editor: Kat Mead Production Editor: Ben Marcus US Editor: Charles Wills Creative Technical Support: Sonia Charbonnier Production Controller: Bethan Blasé Art Director: Peter Luff Publisher: Stephanie Jackson Project Editor: Becky Alexander Designer: XAB Design First American Edition, 2008 Published in the United States by DK Publishing 375 Hudson Street New York, New York 10014 08 09 10 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 TD396—December 2008 Copyright © 2008 Dorling Kindersley Limited All rights reserved Without limiting the rights under copyright reserved above, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form, or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise), without the prior written permission of both the copyright owner and the above publisher of this book. Published in Great Britain by Dorling Kindersley Limited. A catalog record for this book is available from the Library of Congress. ISBN 978-0-7566-4171-9 DK books are available at special discounts when purchased in bulk for sales promotions, premiums, fund-raising, or educational use. For details, contact: DK Publishing Special Markets, 375 Hudson Street, New York, New York 10014 or [email protected] Color reproduction by MDP, Bath Altaimage, London Printed and bound in Singapore by TWP Discover more at www.dk.com 6 Defining tantra Defining tantra Tantra is an ancient Indian practice that is still relevant today. It celebrates the body and sexuality, teaching that the sexual act epitomizes your divine nature, and can lead to enlightenment. Tantric sex can bring vitality and intimacy to your relationship. what is tantra? Developed in India more than 5,000 years ago, tantra is a way of life that promotes the idea that sexuality, spirituality, and the emotions are all interconnected. Central to tantra is the belief that the human body should be celebrated and honored as a source of sensual pleasure as well as for its role in divine enlightenment. This is thought to occur at the perfect union of opposites, such as that of the male and female. The tantric path te
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