A History Of Indian Literature, Volume Vii: Buddhist And Jaina Literature, Fasc. 2: Pāli Literature Including The Canonical Literature In Prakrit And Sanskrit Of All The Hīnayāna Schools Of Buddhism

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A HISTORY OF INDIAN LITERATURE K. R. NORMAN PALI LITERATURE INCLUDING THE CANONICAL LITERATURE IN PRAKRIT AND SANSKRIT OF ALL THE HINAYANA SCHOOLS OF BUDDHISM OTTO HARRASSOWITZ • W I E S B A D E N A HISTORY OF INDIAN LITERATURE EDITED BY JAN GONDA VOLUME VII Fasc. 2 1983 OTTO HARRASSOWITZ . WIESBADEN K. R. NORMAN PALI LITERATURE INCLUDING THE CANONICAL LITERATURE IN PRAKRIT AND SANSKRIT OF ALL THE HINAYANA SCHOOLS OF BUDDHISM 1983 OTTO HARRASSOWITZ • WIESBADEN A HISTORY OF INDIAN LITERATURE Contents of Vol. VII Vol. VII: Buddhist and Jaina Literature Fasc. 1: D. Seyfort Ruegg The Literature of the Madhyamaka School of Philosophy in India Fasc. 2: K. R. Norman Pali Literature •CIP-Kurztit'elaufnahme der Deutschen Bibliothek A history of Indian literature / ed. by Jan Gonda. "Wiesbaden : Harrassowitz. NB: Gonda, Jan [Hrsg.] Vol. 7. Buddhist and Jaina literature. Fasc. 2. ->• Norman, Kenneth Roy : Pali literature Norman, Kenneth Roy: Pali literature : incl. the canon, literature in Prakrit and Sanskrit of all the Hinayana schools of Buddhism/ Xenneth Roy Norman. - Wiesbaden : Harrassowitz, 1983. (A history of Indian literature ; Vol. 7, Fasc. 2) ISBN 3-447-02285-X © Otto Harrassowitz, "Wiesbaden 1983. Alle Bechte vorbehalten. Photographische und photomechanische Wiedergabe nur mit ausdrlicklicher Genehmigung des Verlages. Gesamtherstellung: Allgfiuer Zeitungsverlag •GmbH. Kempten. Printed in Germany. Sigel: HIL CONTENTS FOREWORD CHAPTER I IX The Pali language and the Theravddin tradition 1. The name 'Tali" 1 2. The history and development of the Pali language 3. The history of the Theravadin tradition CHAPTER II .. 2 7 The Pali Canon 1. The divisions of the canon 15 2. The Vinaya-pitaka 2.1. The Suttavibhanga 2.2. The Khandhaka 2.3. The Parivara 18 18 22 26 3. The Sutta-pitaka 3.1. The Digha-nikaya 3.1.1. The Silakkhandhavagga 3.1.2. The Mahavagga 3.1.3. The Patikavagga .. 30 32 .. 32 36 41 3.2. The Majjhima-nikaya 3.2.1. The Mulapannasa 3.2.2. The Majjhimapannasa 3.2.3. The Uparipannasa 44 45 46 48 3.3. The Samyutta-nikaya 3.3.1. The Sagathavagga 3.3.2. The Nidanavagga .. 3.3.3. The Khandhavagga 3.3.4. The Salayatanavagga 3.3.5. The Mahavagga 49 50 52 52 53 53 3.4. The Anguttara-nikaya 54 3.5. The Khuddaka-nikaya 3.5.1. Khuddakapatha 3.5.2. Dhammapada 57 57 58 Contents VI 3.5.3. Udana 3.5.4. Itivuttaka 3.5.5. Suttanipata 3.5.6. Vimanavatthu 3.5.7. Petavatthu 3.5.8. Theragatha 3.5.9. Therigatha 3.5.10. Jataka 3.5.11. Niddesa 3.5.12. Patisambhidamagga 3.5.13. Apadana 3.5.14. Buddhavamsa 3.5.15. Cariyapitaka 4. The Abhidhamma-pitaka 4.1. Dham masangani 4.2. Vibhanga 4.3. Dhatukatha 4.4. Puggalapafmatti 4.5. Kathavatthu 4.6. Yamaka 4.7. Patthana 4.8. The Abhidharma in Sanskrit CHAPTER III IV 96 99 100 101 102 103 105 106 107 Early post-canonical texts 1. Early prose texts CHAPTER 60 62 63 70 71 72 75 77 84 87 89 92 94 .. 108 2. The early chronicles 114 3. The early commentators 3.1. Buddhaghosa 3.2. Buddhadatta 3.3. Mahanama 3.4. Upasena 3.5. Dhammapala 118 120 130 132 133 133 Later post-canonical texts 1. The later chronicles 138 2. The later commentators 2.1. Atthakathas 2.2. Tikas 145 145 148 3. Later Abhidhamma texts 4. Collections of edifying tales 151 153 Contents VII 5. Kavya works 156 6. Prophetic texts 160 7. Medical texts 162 8. Grammatical and lexicographica
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