Philosophy In The Middle Ages: The Christian, Islamic, And Jewish Traditions

E-Book Overview

Thomas Williams revision of Arthur Hyman and James J. Walsh s classic compendium of writings in the Christian, Islamic, and Jewish medieval philosophical traditions expands the breadth of coverage that helped make its predecessor the best known and most widely used collection of its kind.The third edition builds on the strengths of the second by preserving its essential shape while adding several important new texts including works by Augustine, Boethius, Pseudo-Dionysius the Areopagite, Anselm, al-F r b , al-Ghaz l , Ibn Rushd, Bonaventure, Thomas Aquinas, and John Duns Scotus and featuring new translations of many others.The volume has also been redesigned and its bibliographies updated with the needs of a new generation of students in mind.

E-Book Content

Philosophy in the Middle Ages The Christian, Islamic, and Jewish Traditions Third Edition Edited by Arthur Hyman, James J. Walsh, and Thomas Williams Hackett Publishing Company, Inc. Indianapolis/Cambridge Copyright© 2010 by Hackett Publishing Company, Inc. All rights reserved Printed in the United States of America 14 1 3 12 II 10 For further information, please address Hackett Publishing Company, Inc. P.O. Box 44937 Indianapolis, Indiana 46244-0937 \H\ Cover design by Brian Rak and Abigail Coyle Text design by \1ary Vasquez Composition by Agnew's, Inc. Printed at Sheridan Books, Inc. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Philosophy in the \1iddle Ages : the Christian, Islamic, and Jewish traditions I edited by Arthur Hyman, James J. Walsh, and Thomas Williams. - 3rd ed. p. cm. Includes bibliographical references and index. ISB:\ 978- 1 -60384-208-2 (pbk.) - ISB:\ 978- 1 -60384-209-9 (cloth) I. Philosophy, \1edieval. I. Hyman, Arthur, 1921- II. Walsh, James J. (James Jerome), 1924III. Williams, "Thomas, 1 967B72 l .P478 20 1 0 l 89-dc22 20 1 00 1 6295 The paper used in this publication meets the minimum requirements of American :\"ational Standard for Information Sciences- Permanence of paper for Printed Library Materials, A.i'iSI Z39.4B--1984. 8 CONTENTS Preface to the Third Edition IX Introduction XI Early Medieval Christian Philosophy Augustine l. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. The Teacher (complete) On Free Choice of the Will 2.3-3.6 Reconsiderations 1.9 On the Trinity 15.12.21 Confessions 2.4-2.10 Confessions 7.9-7.16 Confessions 11.3-11.28 City of God 19.3-19.28 Boethius 9. The Consolation of Philosophy 3.9-end 10. Contra Eutychen 1.1-1.71 11. On the Trinity 1.7-2.58 Pseudo-Dionysius the Areopagite 12. The Mystical Theology (complete) 5 9 34 61 64 66 69 72 81 100 103 138 139 141 142 v VI Contents 145 John Scottus Eriugena 13. On the Division of �ature 147 156 Anselm 14. 'vfonologion 1-4 15. Proslogion and the Exchange with Gaunilo . 158 161 182 Peter Abelard 184 202 16. Glosses on Porphyry 17. Ethics, or Know Thyself Islamic Philosophy 220 18. The Principles of Existing Things (complete) 239 Ibn Sina 19. 20. 21. 22. The Salvation, "\.1etaphysics" 2.1-2.5, 2.12, 2.13, 2.18, 2.19 The Cure, "\.1etaphysics" 6.1--{i.2 The Salvation, "Psychology" 6.9, 6.12, 6.13 The Cure, "The Soul" 5.7 244 249 256 261 265 Al-Ghazali 23. The Incoherence of the Philosophers, On the Eternity of the World 24. The Incoherence of the Philosophers, Concerning the :--.; atural Sciences 268 278 285 Ibn Rushd 25. 26. 27. 28. 223 The Decisive Treatise (complete) Long Commentary on ' The Soul" 3.4 Long Commentary on ' The Soul" 3.5, 3.18--3.20 The Incoherence of
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