Arnold: The Education Of A Bodybuilder

E-Book Overview

Five-time Mr. Universe, seven-time Mr. Olympia, and Mr. World, Arnold Schwarzenegger is the name in bodybuilding. Here is his classic bestselling autobiography, which explains how the "Austrian Oak" came to the sport of bodybuilding and aspired to be the star he has become. "I still remember that first visit to the bodybuilding gym. I had never seen anyone lifting weights before. Those guys were huge and brutal....The weight lifters shone with sweat; they were powerful looking, Herculean. And there it was before me -- my life, the answer I'd been seeking. It clicked. It was something I suddenly just seemed to reach out and find, as if I'd been crossing a suspended bridge and finally stepped off onto solid ground." Arnold Schwarzenegger Arnold shares his fitness and training secrets -- demonstrating with a comprehensive step-by-step program and dietary hints how to use bodybuilding for better health. His program includes a special four-day regimen of specific exercises to develop individual muscle groups -- each exercise illustrated with photos of Arnold in action. For fans and would-be bodybuilders, this is Arnold in his own words.

E-Book Content

Books by Douglas Kent Hall: On the Way to the Sky The Superstars Let 'er Buck! Rock & Roll Retreat Blues Rodeo Van People: The Great American Rainbow Boogie The Master of Oakwindsor Arnold: The Education of a Bodybuilder Arnold Schwarzenegger with Douglas Kent Hall A FIRESIDE BOOK Published by Simon & Schuster New York London Toronto Sydney Tokyo Singapore FIRESIDE Rockefeller Center 1230 Avenue of the Americas New York, New York 10020 Copyright © 1977 by Arnold Schwarzenegger and Douglas Kent Hall All rights reserved including the right of reproduction in whole or in part in any form. First Fireside Edition 1993 FIRESIDE and colophon are registered trademarks of Simon & Schuster Inc. Manufactured in the United States of America 201918171615 Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 77-22558 ISBN: 0-671-79748-4 Photo Credits Stefan Amsuss, 16 Balik, 117 (four), 118 (three), 119 (two). 127 Albert Busek, 21, 25 (two), 29 (three), 37. 46 (two), 56, 67, 80, 83, 87, 102 (two), 111, 114 (top right and bottom), 116 (two), 124 (top), 126 (two) George Butler, 9, 101 (two), 120, 121, 122. 123 Cameracraft, 62 Caruso, 4, 98, 107, 115, 124 (bottom), 125 (two), 128, 129 (two), 130 (three), 131 (two), 132, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140. 141 Benno Dahmen, 114 (top left) M. Glover, 78 George Greenwood, 92, 99, 103 Doug Hall, 133 (top), exercise photos Frank Hollfelder, 34 Studio Arax, 18 To My Mother To Charles Gaines and George Butler, whose genuine enthusiasm, energy and talent changed the sport of bodybuilding and who I am honored to count among my closest friends. Titles won 1965 1966 1966 1966 1967 1968 1968 1968 1969 1969 1970 1970 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 Jr. Mr. Europe (Germany) Best Built Man of Europe (Germany) Mr. Europe (Germany) International Powerlifting Championship (Germany) NABBA Mr. Universe, amateur (London) NABBA Mr. Universe, professional (London) German Powerlifting Championship IFBB Mr. International (Mexico) IFBB Mr. Universe, amateur (New York) NABBA Mr. Universe, professional (London) NABBA Mr. Universe, professional (London) Mr. World (Columbus, Ohio) IFBB Mr. Qlympia (New York) IFBB Mr. Olympia (Paris) IFBB Mr. Olympia (Essen, Germany) IFBB Mr. Olympia (New York) IFBB Mr. Olympia (New York) IFBB Mr. Olympia (Pretoria, South Africa) Part One Chapter One "Arnold! Arnold!" I can still hear them, the voices of my friends, the lifeguards, bodybuilders, the weight lifters, booming up from the lake where they were working out in the grass and trees. "Arnold—come on!" cried Karl, th