Computers, Curriculum, And Cultural Change: An Introduction For Teachers

E-Book Overview

Computers, Curriculum, and Cultural Change: An Introduction for Teachers, Second Edition is a comprehensive introduction to using computers in educational settings. What distinguishes this text from others on the topic is its focus on: *the issue of how computers are redefining our culture and society and the work of schools; *the idea of using the computer as a tool for increasing efficiency and productivity in curriculum; and *the concept of the computer as a tool not only for efficiency, but actually as a means of enhancing intelligence. This text provides students with an introduction to basic computer skills and experience, enhanced by helpful pedagogical aids, including case studies and highlighted features, such as Portfolio Development, Reflective Practice, Computing Timelines, Filmographies, bibliographical sources, and a text-linked glossary of key computer terms. New in the Second Edition: In addition to being thoroughly updated, a new section has been added to Chapter 1, "Creating an Electronic Portfolio," with activities linked to the standards for educational computing established by the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE). Electronic portfolio activities at the end of each chapter give students the hands-on practical skills they need and, at the same time, cover the necessary theoretical and conceptual material for an introductory educational computing course.

E-Book Information

  • Year: 2,005

  • Edition: 2

  • Pages: 328

  • Pages In File: 328

  • Language: English

  • Issue: 2011 12 30

  • Identifier: 0805844643,9780805844641

  • Ddc: 371.33/4

  • Lcc: LB1028.5 .P739 2005

  • Paginated: 1

  • Org File Size: 30,819,653

  • Extension: pdf

  • Toc: TABLE OF CONTENTS......Page 8 PREFACE......Page 14 An Electronic Portfolio Model......Page 18 International Society for Technology and Education National Educational Technology Standards (NETS) And Performance Indicators for Teachers......Page 21 Electronic Portfolios......Page 24 Electronic Portfolio Matrix......Page 28 Exercise for Further Development of Your Reflective Practice for Teaching With Computer Technology......Page 30 Sources......Page 31 CHAPTER 2—Computers and Culture......Page 34 How Computers Are Used Throughout the Culture......Page 36 The Computer as a Mediating Force in Contemporary Culture......Page 37 On the Non-Neutrality of the Computer......Page 39 How Widespread Is the Use of Technology in the Schools?......Page 40 The Promise of Technology for Teachers......Page 41 Case Study......Page 42 How Teaching Changes With the Use of Computers......Page 45 Defining a Model of Educational Computing......Page 46 Questions for Reflection and Discussion......Page 49 Creating Your Electronic Portfolio......Page 50 Exercise for Further Development of Your Reflective Practice for Teaching With Computer Technology......Page 51 Cyberspace......Page 52 Sources......Page 55 CHAPTER 3—COMPUTERS—THE SOCIAL REVOLUTION OF OUR TIME......Page 58 A Brief History of Computing......Page 59 Augusta Ada Byron......Page 62 The Microcomputer Revol

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