Urban Social Geography: An Introduction (5th Edition)

E-Book Overview

The 5th edition of this highly respected text builds upon the successful structure, engaging writing style and clear presentation of previous editions. Examining urban social geography from a theoretical and historical perspective, it also explores how it has developed into the modern day. Taking account of recent critical work, whilst simultaneously presenting well established approaches to the subject, it ensures students are well-informed about all the issues. The result is a topical book that is clear and accessible for students.

E-Book Content

0131249444_COVER(Knox) 29/11/05 2:49 pm Page 1 URBAN SOCIAL GEOGRAPHY An Introduction The new 5th edition of this highly respected and long-running text builds and improves upon the successful structure, thought-provoking writing style and clear presentation of previous editions. Tracing urban social geography through its theoretical underpinnings to current debates, this new edition takes account of recent critical work while also presenting the foundations and development of the subject. It explicitly relates key issues to contemporary cultural and economic life in cities, producing coverage that is stimulating, relevant and engaging for students. K E Y F E AT U R E S ➤ Key questions and concepts for each chapter to help students identify and apply the key themes ➤ Written in a lively and accessible style designed to enthuse learners to study urban social geography in further depth ➤ Chapter summaries provide revision and reflection opportunities, annotated further reading encourages further investigation ➤ Highly illustrated throughout with new photographs and informative diagrams and tables ➤ Extensive glossary of key terms highlighted in the text and elaborated upon at the end NEW TO EDITION ➤ New boxed features identifying key thinkers, key debates and key trends ➤ New final chapter covering postmodernism, film and the city, and the future of urban social geography ➤ Key film lists provide pointers for cinematic coverage of urban social geography ➤ Companion website containing annotated weblinks, essay questions and project assignments This text will be essential reading for students of urban geography, social geography, planning and sociology, and of key interest more broadly within human geography and the social sciences. F I FT H EDITION www.pearson-books.com Cover image © Getty Images Steven Pinch is a Professor of Human Geography and Deputy Head of the School of Geography at the University of Southampton. His recent research has focused on the relationships between knowledge and competitive advantage in the British motor sport industry and has been published in Environment and Planning, Geoforum, Journal of Economic Geography and Regional Studies. Knox • Pinch Paul Knox is University Distinguished Professor and Dean of the College of Architecture and Urban Studies at Virginia Tech. His recent books include Urbanization (Prentice Hall, 2005, with L. McCarthy) and The Geography of the World Economy (Routledge, 2003, with J. Agnew and L. McCarthy). USG_A01.qxd 1/19/07 6:44 AM Page i Urban Social Geography Visit the Urban Social Geography, fifth edition Companion Website at www.pearsoned.co.uk/knox to find valuable student learning material including: Links to relevant sites on the web Project assignments for further investigation and practice ‰ Essay questions ‰ ‰ .. USG_A01.qxd 1/19/07 6:44 AM Page ii We work with leading strongest educational bringing cutting-edge learning practice to a authors to develop the materials in geography thinking and best global market. Under a range of well-known imprints, including Prentice Hall, we craft high quality print and electronic publications w
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