Turkey. Cappadocia

E-Book Overview

Beautiful Cappadocia offers visitors a landscape of natural wonders Ihat seems prung for a dream. Millions of years ago, the volcanoesof Erciyes, Hasandag and Melendiz mountains erupted and covered Cappadoda with a layer of tuff.

E-Book Content

Bealltiful eappadocfn o./T......'isitorsa landscape of natural wo nders Ibat seems ."prung! rom 11 d ream. Cappadoda. meaning(he land of Beautiful Horses in the Persian language. comprises the provinces of Aksaray, Xe\"~hir. Nigde. Kay,;eri, and K1qehir. ~bjor towns indudc Urhisar, Avanos, Urgii p, Derinkuyu , Kaymakh . and Ihlara. ~tillions of years ago, the \'OIC lOOCS of ~itir(,5. Ha..-.andag and ~telendiz mountains erupted and covered Cappadoda....ith a layer of tuff Over millennia. IhL" ruff layerwas eroded. producing earth formations that , in tur n, inspired C3\'l' an that has carr ied the imprint of ancient civilisations 10 our times. The earliest human settlements in Cappadccia date to the Palacolithic Period, and the written history ofthe region goesback 10theHtnites. Th roughout its history, Cappadoda has served 3., ru t deep into the tuffplateau. and the region gradually beganto lake its present shape. \\'ind and rainwater flowing do....n the skiesof valleys eroded the tuffstnxrure.and sculpted the formations kno....n as "fairy chimneys". The principle type of "fairy chimney" in Cappadodai'itbe conical rock structures loppedwith a hat, eithera cooe or a mushr oom shapedcap. TheCultures of the Prehistori c Period of Cappadoca GIll bestheseen in the following formations: Ki~k !ootound in I'iWJe. ~lkh Moond in Aksaray andCiwlek Cave in I'~h i r. l hc human sertement in Cappadoca begandUring the Prehisrooc Period, and the era of &syrian Cr.ili~tion in the ft.1:kXl beganduring the Early Bronze Age. Trading nached its zenith in that

E-Book Information

  • Year: 2,009

  • Pages: 58

  • Pages In File: 31

  • Language: English

  • Library: mirknig.com

  • Issue: 2010 01-06

  • Commentary: Реклама

  • Org File Size: 12,303,337

  • Extension: pdf

  • Toc: 00......Page 1 01......Page 2 02......Page 3 05......Page 4 07......Page 5 09......Page 6 10......Page 7 12......Page 8 14......Page 9 17......Page 10 18......Page 11 20......Page 12 23......Page 13 25......Page 14 26......Page 15 28......Page 16 30......Page 17 32......Page 18 34......Page 19 36......Page 20 38......Page 21 40......Page 22 42......Page 23 44......Page 24 46......Page 25 48......Page 26 50......Page 27 52......Page 28 54......Page 29 56......Page 30 58......Page 31

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