The Science Of The Mind

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Acknowledgments I began writing this book during the academic year 1980- 1981 while I was on leave from Wellesley College and a Visiting Scholar at Harvard University . Many people have helped me get from the first draft to the book you now have before you . Roger Brown , Patricia Kitcher , Richard Lerner, John Macnamara, and James Moor read the earliest draft and gave valuable guidance. David Pillemer , Jerry Samet, Kathryn Tolbert , and Ken Winkier gave sage advice on parts of later drafts. Howard Gardner, Michel Grimaud , Robert Simon, Barbara Von Eckardt, Sheldon White , and Jeremy Wolfe read the next to penultimate version and made many helpful suggestions. Jonathan Adler and Joyce Walworth provided constant support and thoughtful criticism . The two of them performed every service from helping me get my arguments in shape to reuniting split infinitives . I owe them my deepest thanks. Karen Olson and Susan Sawyer helped with the bibliography , and ' Harry and Betty Stanton, my editors, helped make what was already an intellectually and personally exciting process even more so. In addition to my gratitude to Wellesley College for supporting the leave during which the book was first conceived and to Harvard University for housing me during that year, I owe thanks to many colleagues at the Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciencesat Stanford University , where I spent the summer of 1979 working out several of the ideas on the connection ~etween moral philosophy and moral psychology which appear in this book. Thanks also to many colleagues who participated in Jerry Fodor' s Institute on " Psychology and the " Philosophy of Mind at the University of Washington in Seattle during the summer of 1981 for helping shape my thinking on some of the philosophical issues in cognitive psychology and artificial intelligence . I am grateful to the Council for Philosophical Studies, the Nati
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