Countries And Their Cultures

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countries and their cultures countries and their cultures d volume 2 d Denmark to Kyrgyzstan Melvin Ember and Carol R. Ember, Editors EDITORIAL BOARD E DITORS IN C HIEF MELVIN EMBER, President, Human Relations Area Files CAROL R. EMBER, Executive Director, Human Relations Area Files A DVISORY B OARD H. RUSSELL BERNARD, University of Florida E. PAUL DURRENBERGER, Pennsylvania State University STEVAN HARRELL, University of Washington PAUL HOCKINGS, University of Illinois, Chicago CONRAD P. KOTTAK, University of Michigan LOUISE D. LENNIHAN, City University of New York SUSAN M. PARMAN, California State University, Fullerton PAULA L. W. SABLOFF, University of Pennsylvania NORMAN E. WHITTEN, JR., University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign Countries and Their Cultures was prepared under the auspices and with the support of the Human Relations Area Files, Inc. (HRAF) at Yale University. The foremost international research organization in the field of cultural anthropology, HRAF is a not-for-profit consortium of 19 Sponsoring Member institutions and more than 400 active and inactive Associate Member institutions in nearly 40 countries. The mission of HRAF is to provide information that facilitates the cross-cultural study of human behavior, society, and culture. The HRAF Collection of Ethnography, which has been building since 1949, contains nearly one million pages of information, indexed according to more than 700 subject categories, on the cultures of the world. An increasing portion of the Collection of Ethnography, which now covers more than 365 cultures, is accessible via the World Wide Web to member institutions. The HRAF Collection of Archaeology, the first installment of which appeared in 1999, is also accessible on the Web to those member institutions opting to receive it.