Continuum Thermomechanics

E-Book Overview

The general goal of this book is to deduce rigorously, from the first principles, the partial differential equations governing the thermodynamic processes undergone by continuum media under forces and heat. Solids and fluids are considered in a unified framework. Reacting mixtures of fluids are also included for which general notions of thermodynamics are recalled, such as the Gibbs equilibrium theory.

Linear approximate models are mathematically obtained by calculating the derivatives of the constitutive response functions. They include the classical models for linear vibrations of thermoelastic solids and also for wave propagation in fluids (dissipative and non-dissipative acoustics and internal gravity waves).

E-Book Content

Progress in Mathematical Physics Volume 37 Editors-in-Chief Anne Boutet de Monvel, Université Paris VII Denis Diderot Gerald Kaiser, The Virginia Center for Signals and Waves Editorial Board D. Bao, University of Houston C. Berenstein, University of Maryland, College Park P. Blanchard, Universität Bielefeld A.S. Fokas, Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine C. Tracy, University of California, Davis H. van den Berg, Wageningen University Alfredo Bermúdez de Castro Continuum Thermomechanics Birkhäuser Verlag Basel · Boston · Berlin Author: Alfredo Bermúdez de Castro Facultad de Matemáticas Universidade de Santiago de Compostela Campus Universitario Sur 15782 Santiago de Compostela Spain e-mail : [email protected] 2000 Mathematics Subject Classification 74A, 74J, 76A, 76N, 80A A CIP catalogue record for this book is available from the Library of Congress, Washington D.C., USA Bibliographic information published by Die Deutsche Bibliothek Die Deutsche
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