Practical Transformations And Transformational Practices: Globalization, Postmodernism, And Early Childhood Education (advances In Early Education And Day Care)

E-Book Overview

Both traditional and progressive curricula are inadequate for the task of responding to the economic, political, social, and cultural changes that have occurred as a result of globalization. This book documents some of the ongoing work occurring in early childhood settings that is aimed at improving, and ultimately transforming, early childhood practice in these changed and changing times. The authors do not simply critique developmental approaches or the increasing standardization of the field. Instead, they describe how they are playing around with postmodern ideas in practice and developing unique approaches to the diverse educational circumstances that confront early childhood educators. Whether it is preparing teachers, using materials, or developing policies, each chapter provides readers with possibilities for enacting pedagogies that are responsive to the contemporary circumstances shaping the lives of young children.

E-Book Content

PRACTICAL TRANSFORMATIONS AND TRANSFORMATIONAL PRACTICES: GLOBALIZATION, POSTMODERNISM, AND EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION i ADVANCES IN EARLY EDUCATION AND DAY CARE Series Editor: Stuart Reifel Recent Volumes: Volume 8: Volume 9: Volume 10: Theory and Practice in Early Childhood Teaching Edited by Judith A. Chafel and Stuart Reifel Family Policy and Practice in Early Child Care Edited by C. Dunst and M. Wolery Foundations, Adult Dynamics, Teacher Education and Play Edited by Stuart Reifel Volume 11: Early Education and Care, and Reconceptualizing Play Edited by Stuart Reifel Volume 12: Bridging the Gap Between Theory, Research and Practice: The Role of Child Development Laboratory Programs in Early Childhood Education Edited by Brent A. McBride and Nancy E. Barbour Volume 13: Social Contexts of Early Education, and Reconceptualizing Play (II) Edited by Stuart Reifel and Mac H. Brown ii ADVANCES IN EARLY EDUCATION AND DAY CARE VOLUME 14 PRACTICAL TRANSFORMATIONS AND TRANSFORMATIONAL PRACTICES: GLOBALIZATION, POSTMODERNISM, AND EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION EDITED BY SHARON RYAN Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, USA SUSAN GRIESHABER Queensland University of Technology, Australia 2005 Amsterdam – Boston – Heidelberg – London – New York – Oxford Paris – San Diego – San Francisco – Singapore – Sydney – Tokyo iii ELSEVIER B.V. Radarweg 29 P.O. Box 211 1000 AE Amsterdam The Netherlands ELSEVIER Inc. 525 B Street, Suite 1900 San Diego CA 92101-4495 USA ELSEVIER Ltd The Boulevard, Langford Lane, Kidlington Oxford OX5 1GB UK ELSEVIER Ltd 84 Theobalds Road London WC1X 8RR UK r 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. This work is protected under copyright by Elsevier Ltd, and the following terms and conditions apply to its use: Photocopying Single photocopies of single chapters may be made for personal use as allowed by national copyright laws. Permission of the Publisher and payment of a fee is required for all other photocopying, including multiple or systematic copying, copying for advertising or promotional purposes, resale, and all forms of document delivery. Special rates are available for educational institutions that wish to make photocopies for non-profit educational classroom use. Permissions may be sought directly from Elsevier’s Rights Department in Oxford, UK: phone (+44) 1865 843830, fax (+44) 1865 853333, e-mail: [email protected] Requests may also be completed on-line via the Elsevier homepage ( In the USA, users may clear permissions and make payments through the Copyright Clearance Center, Inc., 222 Rosewood Drive, Danvers, MA 01923, USA; phone: (+1)
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