Religion, Education, And Adolescence: International And Empirical Perspectives (university Of Wales - Religion, Education, And Culture)

E-Book Overview

Drawing together Christian, Islamic, and Jewish theologies, this educational resource sponsored by the International Seminar of Religious Education and Values explores the religious perceptions of adolescents using the research techniques of sociology, psychology, and anthropology. Educationalists, teachers, and clergy will benefit from this fresh perspective on the religious diversity, enthusiasm, and misunderstandings among school–age children in England, Germany, Israel, Norway, Turkey, and Wales.

E-Book Content

00 prelims.qxp 28/02/2005 15:25 Page i Religion, Education and Adolescence 00 prelims.qxp 28/02/2005 15:25 Page ii Religion, Education and Culture Series Editors: William K. Kay (University of Wales, Bangor, UK), Leslie J. Francis (University of Wales, Bangor, UK) and Jeff Astley (University of Durham, UK) This series addresses issues raised by religion and education within contemporary culture. It is intended to be of benefit to those involved in professional training as ministers of religion, teachers, counsellors, psychologists, social workers and health professionals while also contributing to the theoretical development of the academic fields from which this training is drawn. 00 prelims.qxp 28/02/2005 15:25 Page iii Religion, Education and Adolescence International Empirical Perspectives Edited by LESLIE J. FRANCIS, MANDY ROBBINS and JEFF ASTLEY on behalf of The International Seminar on Religious Education and Values (ISREV) UNIVERSITY OF WALES PRESS CARDIFF 2005 00 prelims.qxp 28/02/2005 15:25 Page iv © The Contributors, 2005 All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without clearance from the University of Wales Press, 10 Columbus Walk, Brigantine Place, Cardiff, CF10 4UP. British Library Cataloguing-in-Publication Data A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library. ISBN 0-7083-1957-2 The rights of the Contributors to be identified separately as authors of this work have been asserted by them in accordance with sections 77 and 79 of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988. The editors and publishers wish to acknowledge the financial assistance received from the Welsh National Centre for Religious Education. Printed in Great Britain by Cambridge Printing, Cambridge 00 prelims.qxp 28/02/2005 15:25 Page v Contents The contributors vii Preface ix Foreword JOHN M. HULL xi Introduction LESLIE J. FRANCIS 1 I Religion and Values Survey 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Prayer, personality and purpose in life among churchgoing and non-churchgoing adolescents LESLIE J. FRANCIS 15 The science and religion interface within young people’s attitudes and beliefs JEFF ASTLEY 39 The influence of Anglican secondary schools on personal, moral and religious values DAVID W. LANKSHEAR 55 The identity of young Anglicans: the feminization of the Anglican Church ANNA HALSALL 70 Attitude to smoking among female adolescents: is religion a significant but neglected factor? MANDY ROBBINS 94 Religious experience and its implications for religious education WILLIAM K. KAY 107 00 prelims.qxp 28/02/2005 15:25 Page vi vi Religion, Education and Adolescence II Quantitative and
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