Challenges Of Expanding Internet: E-commerce, E-business, And E-government : 5th Ifip Conference On E-commerce, E-business, And E-government (i3e'2005), ... Federation For Information Processing)

E-Book Overview

Within the last decade several new developments have contributed to many new opportunities, as well as to a need for intensive research and development. New applications are driven by the desire for ubiquitous high-quality access to offered and available services at reasonable cost. A considerable amount of research and development activities are currently going on world wide in order to adopt Internet services to the particular needs of users working in various environments and having an access to a great amount of information provided by commerce, business and public institutions. Expanding understanding and usage of Internet raise different technological problems and societal impacts. The emergence of the new societal environment created by Internet is a historical necessity; digitization becomes a correlate of most human activities nowadays including e-economy, e-medicine, e-government, etc. As a medium of communication the Internet reached a relative maturity, whilst as a new societal environment it is still in the making. The Internet produces an enormous and huge e-environment society requiring intermediaries who guide, search, integrate and authenticate knowledge and information. The 5th IFIP I3E'2005 proceedings contains a selection of 40 research contributions, which were extended to incorporate the numerous suggestions made by the itnernational reviewers. The papers in this volume address problems located in three main categories: e-commerce, e-business and e-government. Some of them are interdisciplinary and address problems common to the other mentioned areas.

E-Book Information

  • Year: 2,005

  • Edition: 1

  • Pages: 627

  • Pages In File: 616

  • Language: English

  • Issue: до 2011-08

  • Identifier: 0387287531,9780387287539,9780387297736

  • Ddc: 658.8/72

  • Lcc: HF5548.32 .I345 2005

  • Org File Size: 34,857,644

  • Extension: pdf

  • Toc: Contents......Page 6 General Chair's Message......Page 11 Program Co-Chairs' Message......Page 13 Program Committee......Page 15 Organizing Committees......Page 17 External Reviewers......Page 18 Innovations transforming e-Business......Page 19 SAP and the age of logistics: How to meet tomorrows business challenges......Page 21 Value process and business process in e-Business modeling......Page 23 VA[sup(3)]: Governance selection in value webs......Page 38 From an e-Business revenue model to its software reference architecture......Page 53 Selecting supply partners for e-Collaboration......Page 68 e-Collaboration architecture for customer-driven business processes in inter-organizational scenarios......Page 82 Monitoring middleware for service level agreements in heterogeneous environments......Page 97 Using software agents to personalize access to e-Offices......Page 112 Evaluating e-Government: a process oriented approach......Page 127 A knowledge-sharing framework for public administrations......Page 141 Configuring e-Government services using ontologies......Page 156 A business rule engine applied to e-Government services integration......Page 171 Towards dynamic composition of e-Government services: a policy-based approach......Page 1

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