Ocean Circulation And Climate: Observing And Modelling The Global Ocean

E-Book Overview

This book presents the views of leading scientists on our knowledge of the global ocean circulation following completion of the observational phase of the World Ocean Circulation Experiment. WOCE's in situ physical and chemical measurements together with satellite altimetry have produced a data set of unprecedented scope and precision.This data set provides the basis for development of ocean and coupled ocean-atmosphere circulation models used for understanding ocean and climate variability and projecting climate change. The book guides the reader through the analysis, interpretation, modeling, and synthesis of these data.This book will be of value to those interested in the global oceans, in climate variability and change, and in the oceanic uptake of anthropogenic carbon, particularly oceanographers, meteorologists, and other climate scientists.

E-Book Content

Ocean Circulation and Climate Observing and Modelling the Global Ocean This is Volume 77 in the INTERNATIONAL GEOPHYSICS SERIES A series of monographs and textbooks Edited by RENATA DMOWSKA, JAMES R. HOLTON and H. THOMAS ROSSBY A complete list of books in this series appears at the end of this volume. Ocean Circulation and Climate Observing and Modelling the Global Ocean Edited by Gerold Siedler Institut für Meereskunde Universität Kiel Kiel, Germany and Instituto Canario de Ciencias Marinas Telde, Spain John Church Antarctic CRC and CSIRO Marine Research Hobart, Australia John Gould Southampton Oceanography Centre Southampton, UK San Diego San Francisco New York Boston London Sydney Tokyo This book is printed on acid-free paper. Copyright © 2001 by ACADEMIC PRESS All Rights Reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or any information s
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