Bankable Business Plans: Second Edition (bankable Business Plans)

E-Book Overview

The secrets behind creating compelling and successful business plans sure to attract financial backers are revealed step-by-step in this invaluable guide. Containing detailed information on Risk Management Association (RMA) data and clear explanations of the guidelines that banks, venture capital firms, and the Small Business Administration (SBA) use to grant loans and other financial support to businesses, the resource equips potential business owners with a wealth of knowledge on lending procedures. Hundreds of useful ideas for developing, operating, marketing, and building a profitable business are included as are copious examples and resources for further study. By demonstrating how to make each business plan uniquely suited to a particular endeavor—such as home-based businesses, sole proprietorships, and franchise operations—this comprehensive handbook ensures that anyone can embark on a new business venture with confidence.

E-Book Content

Bankable Business Plans by Edward G. Rogoff • Second Edition Edward G. Rogoff Co-Author of “The Entrepreneurial Conversation” Foreword by Jeff Bezos Founder & CEO, Bankable Business Plans Second Edition Edward G. Rogoff Foreword By Jeff Bezos Founder & CEO, Copyright ©2007 by Edward G. Rogoff For more information, contact Rowhouse Publishing, 1375 Broadway, Suite 600, New York, NY 10018-7060, (877) 363-9866. Find us on the Internet at ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. No part of this work covered by the copyright may be reproduced or used in any form or by any means—graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping, Web distribution or information storage and retrieval systems—without the written permission of Edward G. Rogoff. Brief excerpts, as submitted from Annual Statement Studies by The Risk Management Association ©2006, reprinted with permission of The Risk Management Association. Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data: Rogoff, Edward G., 1951 Bankable business plans / Edward G. Rogoff; foreword by Jeff Bezos. — 2nd ed. p. cm. Includes bibliographical references and index. LCCN 2007921044 ISBN-13: 978-0-9791522-0-7 ISBN-10: 0-9791522-0-8 1. Business planning. 2. New business enterprises— Finance. 3. Business enterprises—Finance. I. Title. HD30.28.R644 2007 Printed in Canada 658.4’012 QBI07-600083 The names of all companies or products mentioned are used for identification purposes only and may be trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners. The author and publisher disclaim any affiliation, association, connection with, sponsorship of, or endorsement by such owners. Book and Cover design by Jack Mayer In memory of my father… who made the best plans. This page intentionally left blank xi Acknowledgments xv Foreword Jeff Bezos, Founder and CEO, xix Preface 1 Part I The Power Of A Bankable Business Plan 3 What A Bankable Business Plan Is And How It Can Help You Start A Successful Enterprise 4 Bankable Business Plans Serve A Specific Purpose 7 Your Business Plan Is An Extension Of You 14 Entrepreneurship Is A Team Sport vi Bankable Business Plans 17 Part II The Ten Essential Action Steps 19 Action Step 1 Define Your Company: What Will You Accomplish For Others…And Yourself? What Will Your Business Accomplish For… 21 Your Customers? 21 Your Investors? 23 Your Lenders? 24 Your Suppliers? 25 Your Employees? 27 You? 29 Action Step 2 Identify Your Company’s Initial Needs: What Will You Require To Get Started? 32 The Major Expenses 33 Real Estate 33 Employees and Employee Benefits 34 Startup and Capita
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