Innovations Elementary-workbook

E-Book Overview

Workbook provides further practice and consolidation of language presented in the coursebook. Includes FCE-style writing activities.

E-Book Content

q course in nqlurql English Hugh Dellor ond Andrew Wolkley THOwlS0t\l #-- Contenls Befure Ee* fu*gEs* T €re€#€ Wke€us grcnrrmmum*? I Wre&# ffi WBaeresse Er&qF Srem? || Wmffi# ffi WEem*do y*u d*? t4 Wm$# & HFha*urege* delmg s*arEgh*? t7 I ,2 '3: ffim&# # SEd y*rr kcrre tr mEeew*ekend? zo €#xc$$ 6 Whst sre yscr s*wdyimg? WgEH€ K L#ks* d*d gr*wde Ees*m€gh*? 23 j 26 ffiseffi# ffi &e ye*s $Eke"-" ? 4 I Conversation 2 Collocations 3 What are you doing later? 4 B e r u4ts ano months 4 5 t: 2 ,3 Conversafiqns in clxs '4' 'Other thingsin claqs The schoolsI went to .l 2 ,3, 4 '5. ,,;I z 29 ,-...::t::i 3 4 :5 6 7 I 9 t0 6 7 8 9 6 7 I I t0 Usefll classroom language The future and the past (l) The future and the past (2) Collocations Key word for writing: but Wreffi# ffi WPee*trF* Er&€s de*ary mn*ws? 32 ffimffiw %ffi Hewe greaq fueena#a ""- ? 35 WW WmeffiW €s*fuere exee apeerfuer*? 38 %ffi WmeffiW Whm# snreEress dwfixagkepe? /: 4l ,|] Meeting peoplefor the first time Prepositions Are you doing anything later? Conversations The present continuous(l) %ffi Wmffiw Wke* *Emefim$tr? 44 Kffi Wmffiw €*m gr*ss$tm$pw*? 47 6 .:. .: . , : : . .- : . a , .: .. .:. . -. %ffi Wmffiw W*ae**s peesdeH*eg *kfis wsefummd? "- 50 . ,4,,,, ,Ytri,fryul arnesif ',.5 .:PJaceg,to ftee!,r ': ',tn.a r.qstdupnt,, ,6, ffireffiffi %# &ee gr*cc#KP 53 '2 3 4 l0 Pronunciation | | Reasonsfor being late 12 Writing: arrangingto meer ' ,.,:',:..'',$i. ,t,:,;;i:,71, .r;t'$ :;1;;'.'.9,, , tr'.,]! 5 5 #mffi# Wffi &r* g,"eweewdpr €e erd+s€ 56 Wreffi€ %ffi I I' /: :3 ,4 5:' It tasteslike chicken ,6 . Havingdinnerat a,friend'ihouse.: 7 Thingsin restaurants :8, W.ryting::describing : food;: .l ,2. '3' #e gneweeEE ."" ? ;,7 I 9 .10 ,,fl,' t2 59 5 5 ffimffiw %ffi $erryr $ *sse*Sseme 62 I 2 3 4 5 ffire&e ffiffi Fe greee F*fu*sp*eF? 65 ' ll" :2 3 '4 Conversation I'm glad / lt's a shame Cant / couldnt Fortunately/ Unfortunately Compoundnouns ' ,Pia".t {D (2) P[aCes Footballresults I'd lovetci;bu!.:.- 6 7 Thingsshopaisistantssay Collocations Moreshopvocabulary Conversation{2) Do you'hweto ...? Keyword for writing:just Pronunciationand phonetics ' Measurements. I couldnt 8 9 Writln$ iob applications 5 6 7 8 Collocations Pronunciation:words with'w' Conversation Key word for writing: only ffis%&g ffiw Wk** dexgrwra geew €rew*EE*ueg? 68 ffireffiffi ffiffi Wks$ne cfus €Efu*€ 7l ffireffiffi ffiffi WEes*e g*eef,€EmS* 74 ffire$e [email protected] &s'e grewd*Eergemg8fu€aeg *e **8efurs#e? €rsmeeeee#rgmsx$eew 80 I Fam!l;1 members. :. . .. 2 Opposites 3 Adiectives 4 Reat$/ quite/rrnucf,/ra:!it, 5 What;.. like? I falq oflhe hoqge , 2 Whatrstheir flat,like? 'Couidl...,?. :.: 3' 4,the house 5 Complimenting : l . Have you heardl '7' Pronounsand possessiveadjectives My brother gave it to me for my birthday 4 The pres