Phenomenology And Dialectical Materialism

E-Book Overview

<strong>`This work of Thao, in an elegant, laconic, and remarkably lucid prose, elaborates the rationale that motivated Husserl's philosophizing... Thao's knowledge of Husserl, as well as of the entire history of philosophy, is most impressive, and he has the ability to elucidate and bring to life some of the most abstruse epistemological writings of Kant, Husserl, and others. ...consider this one of the clearest introductions to phenomenology and would consider it a superb text to use in introducing my students to phenomenology.<strong>' <strong>Paul Ricoeur

E-Book Content

B O S T O N S T U D I E S IN T H E P H I L O S O P H Y O F SCIENCE E D I T E D BY R O B E R T S . C O H E N A N D M A R X W. W A R T O F S K Y PHENOMENOLOGY AND DIALECTICAL MATERIALISM Translated by Daniel J . Herman and Donald V. Morano Edited by Robert S. Cohen D. REIDEL PUBLISHING COMPANY A MEMBER O F T H E KL.UU'ER VOLUME 49 C A D E M I C PUBLISHERS G R O U P DORDRFlCHT / B O S T O N / l,AN('ASTt:K / T O K Y O Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data Trln. Duc Thao. Phenomenology and dialectical materialism. (Boston studies in the philosophy of science ; v . 49) Translation of: Phenomknologie et matirialisme dialectique. Bibliography: p. Includes index. 1. Phenomenology. 2. Dialecticalmaterialsm. 3. Husserl, Edmund, 1859-1938. I. Cohen, Robert Sonnk. 11. Title. 111. Series. Q174.867 vol. 49 [B829.5] 001'.01 s [146'.32] 85-35 ISBN 90-277-0737-5 TABLE OF CONTENTS vii EDlTORIAL PREFACE TRANSLATORS' FOREWORD xiii ACKNOWLEDGMENTS xix AUTHOR'S PREFACE xxi PART ONE: THE PHENOMENOLOGICAL METHOD AND ITS A C T U A L R E A L C O N T E N T Published by D. Reidel Publishing Company, P.O. Box 17, 3300 AA Dordrecht, Holland. Sold an