Yes! I Converted To Islam & Here Is Why

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First Edition: June 1999 Supervised by: ABDUL MALIK MUJAHID Head Oflice: DARUSSALAM P,O, Box 22743, Riyadh 11416, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Tel 00966- J-403 3962/404 3432 Fax: 00966- J-402 J659 E-mail: [email protected] Branche,,: DARUSSALAM 50, Lower Mall, Lahore, Pakistan, Tel: 0092-42-7240024/7232400 Fax: 0092-42-735 4072 DARUSSALAM PUBLICATIONS .P,O Box. 79194, Houston, TX 77279, USA. Tel: 001-713-722 0419 Fax: OOJ·713·722 0431 E-mail: [email protected],eom Website: DARUSSALAM 572·Atlantic Ave, Brooklyn, New York lJ217, USA. Tel: 001-718-625 Y)2'i AL-HIDAAYAH PUBLISHING & DISTRIBUTION 522 Coventry Road, Binningham, BIO OUN, UK. Tel: O()44-121-753 1889 Fax: (Xl44·121·7Yl 2422 Yes! I Converted to Islam and here is Why? By Muhammad Haneef Shahid Adapted by Research Division Darussalam ~I ;~I}lb DARUSSALAM Published by DARUSSALAM Publishers and Distributors Riyadh, Saudi Arabia In the Name of Allah the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful "Truly, the religion with Allah is Islam. Those who were given the Scripture (Jews and Christians) did not differ except, out of mutual jealousy, after knowledge had come to them. And whoever disbelieves in the Ayat (proofs, evidences, verses, signs, revelations, etc.) of Allah, then surely, Allah is Swift in calling to account. (11- 'Imran, 3: 19) Contents Publishers Note ...................................................................... 07 Views of the Reverts in brief about Islam ......................... 08 Moderation and temperance are keynote oflslam ................ 08 Islam alone can satisfy the needs of every member.. ............. 08 Islam alone offers the solution of present-day problems ....... 09 Islam has always attracted me both by its simplicity and by the devotion of its followers ..................................... 09 The purity and simplicity of the Islamic Faith ..................... 10 In Islam I have found the true faith ...................................... 11 I have accepted Islam because it fits in so well with my own ideas ................................................................ 11 Islam is the religion I have been seeking for ........................ 12 If Britain and Europe were converted to Islam, they would again be powerful forces for good ........................................ 12 Views of the Reverts in brief about the Noble Qur' an The Noble Qur'an contains what every soul mostly requires .14 I studied a Muslim translation of the Noble Qur'an ............. 14 The Noble Qur'an is full of truths and its teaching are so practical and free from dogmatic tenets and mysteries! ........ 15 At the Threshold of Islam ................................................... . Why did I embrace Islam? .................................................... 17 My adherence to Islam! ........................................................ 22 What led me to embrace Islam? ........................................... 24 Why did I embrace Islam? .................................................... 26 Why am I a Muslim? ............................................................ 29 How I came to Islam ............................................................. 31 5 Conversion to Islam .............................................................. 34 How was I committed to Islam? ........................................... 36 Why did I become a Muslim? ............................................... 39 Why I accepted Islam? ....................................
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