The Dilemmas Of Family Wealth: Insights On Succession, Cohesion, And Legacy (bloomberg)

E-Book Overview

Few families are able to pass along their wealth successfully to the next generation. The barriers to keeping money in the family are much more formidable than the barriers to making money in the first place. Why should this be? What pitfalls are most common? How can families and their advisers increase the odds of a successful intergenerational transfer of wealth? How can they preserve the family’s human and intellectual capital?Judy Martel, CFP®, provides insightful answers to these questions and dozens more in this richly detailed book. The Dilemmas of Family Wealth takes a fresh look at the communications barriers, misunderstandings, and generational conflicts that can pull families apart and scatter their wealth in far less time than it took to build it. Martel identifies the dilemmas that families are likely to face and offers wise counsel for overcoming the challenges they pose. Her book includes advice and perspectives from top experts in the field and frank first-person experiences related by family members with whom they have worked.

E-Book Content

Praise for The Dilemmas of Family Wealth Insights on Succession, Cohesion, and Legacy by Judy Martel “When the mountains of unread books on investing and estate planning are weighed against The Dilemmas of Family Wealth, many will elect to keep this book on the bedside table. Instead of teaching how to calculate P/E ratios or ROI, these twenty-three wise practitioners share their insights in ways that encourage action—not calculations! Wealthy baby boomers, who have been frustrated by so many other how-to books, should rush to purchase this terrific compendium.” — Charlotte B. Beyer CEO, Institute for Private Investors “Most families aspire to use wealth purposefully and to raise children as thoughtful stewards of their inheritance. But such aspirations are often thwarted for lack of the kind of sound guidance that Judy Martel offers in The Dilemmas of Family Wealth. The value of this very effective book lies in the stories that illuminate the complexity of wealth—and how to deal with it in the context of the family system. Martel’s book is both specific and provocative. Families would be wise to buy multiple copies and read the book together, chapter by chapter!” — Joline Godfrey CEO, Independent Means Inc. Author, Raising Financially Fit Kids “Wealthy baby boomers have many individual advisers, but they desperately need some guidance on how to work together as a family to create the best possible future for themselves and their investments. This is a great guide to all facets of the personal side of wealth planning.” — Dennis Jaffe Professor, Saybrook Graduate School Executive Director, Family Enterprise Center San Francisco State University This page is intentionally blank The Dilemmas of Family Wealth Also available from BLOOMBERG PRESS Family Wealth—Keeping It in the Family: How Family Members and Their Advisers Preserve Human, Intellectual, and Financial Assets for Generations by James E. Hughes Jr. Managing Concentrated Stock Wealth: An Adviser’s Guide to Building Customized Solutions by Tim Kochis The PPLI Solution: Delivering Wealth Accumulation, Tax Efficiency, and Asset Protection Through Private Placement Life Insurance edited by Kirk Loury Tax-Aware Investment Management: The Essential Guide by Douglas S. Rogers, CFA A complete list of our titles is available at Attention Corporations This book is available for bulk purchase at special discount. Special editions or chapter reprints can also be customized to specifications. For information, please e-mail Bloomberg Press, [email protected], Attention: Director of Special Markets or
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